
If the channel has a CDR, that CDR has its own set of variables which can be accessed just like channel variables. The following builtin variables are available.

${CDR(clid)}         Caller ID
${CDR(src)}          Source
${CDR(dst)}          Destination
${CDR(dcontext)}     Destination context
${CDR(channel)}      Channel name
${CDR(dstchannel)}   Destination channel
${CDR(lastapp)}      Last app executed
${CDR(lastdata)}     Last app's arguments
${CDR(start)}        Time the call started.
${CDR(answer)}       Time the call was answered.
${CDR(end)}          Time the call ended.
${CDR(duration)}     Duration of the call.
${CDR(billsec)}      Duration of the call once it was answered.
${CDR(disposition)}  ANSWERED, NO ANSWER, BUSY
${CDR(amaflags)}     DOCUMENTATION, BILL, IGNORE etc
${CDR(accountcode)}  The channel's account code.
${CDR(uniqueid)}     The channel's unique id.
${CDR(userfield)}    The channels uses specified field.

In addition, you can set your own extra variables by using Set(CDR(name)=value). These variables can be output into a text-format CDR by using the cdr_custom CDR driver; see the cdr_custom.conf.sample file in the configs directory for an example of how to do this.

lmadsen 2010-01-14