Configuration of the FreeRADIUS Server

There are several files that have to be modified to configure the RADIUS server. These are presented next.

File "clients.conf"

File /usr/local/etc/raddb/clients.conf contains description of RADIUS clients that are allowed to use the server. For each of the clients you need to specify its hostname or IP address and also a shared secret. The shared secret must be the same string you configured in radiusclient library.


		client myhost {
		    secret = mysecret
		    shortname = foo

This fragment allows access from RADIUS clients on "myhost" if they use "mysecret" as the shared secret. The file already contains an entry for localhost (, so if you are running the RADIUS server on the same host as your Asterisk server, then modify the existing entry instead, replacing the default password.

File "dictionary"

Note: as of version 1.1.2, the dictionary.digium file ships with FreeRADIUS. The following procedure brings the dictionary.digium file to previous versions of FreeRADIUS.

File /usr/local/etc/raddb/dictionary contains the dictionary of FreeRADIUS server. You have to add the same dictionary file (dictionary.digium), which you added to the dictionary of radiusclient-ng library. You can include it into the main file, adding the following line at the end of file /usr/local/etc/raddb/dictionary:

$INCLUDE /path/to/dictionary.digium

That will include the same new attribute definitions that are used in radiusclient-ng library so the client and server will understand each other.

lmadsen 2010-01-14