Agents Log In and Out

In the above contexts, the agents dial 6092 to log into their queues, and they dial 6093 to log out of their queues. The agent is prompted for their agent number, and if they are logging in, their passcode, and then they are transferred to the proper extension in the queues-manip context. The queues-manip context does all the actual work:

In the above extensions, note that the queue-addremove macro is used to actually add or remove the agent from the applicable queue, with the applicable priority level. Note that agents with a priority level of 10 will be called before agents with levels of 20 or 30.

In the above example, Raquel will be dialed first in the dispatch queue, if she has logged in. If she is not, then the second call of Queue() with priority of 20 will dial Brittanica if she is present, otherwise the third call of Queue() with MAX_PENALTY of 0 will dial Rock and Saline simultaneously.

Also note that Rock will be among the first to be called in the sales-general queue, and among the last in the dispatch queue. As you can see in main menu, the callerID is set in the main menu so they can tell which queue incoming calls are coming from.

The call to queue-success() gives some feedback to the agent as they log in and out, that the process has completed.

The queue-addremove macro is defined in this manner:

Basically, it uses the first character of the exten variable, to determine the proper actions to take. In the above dial plan code, only the cases I or O are used, which correspond to the Login and Logout actions.

lmadsen 2010-01-14