Next, Fight against the empty CALLERID!

A considerable percentage of the calls you don't want, come from sites that do not provide CallerID.

Null callerid's are a fact of life, and could be a friend with an unlisted number, or some charity looking for a handout. The PrivacyManager application can help here. It will ask the caller to enter a 10-digit phone number. They get 3 tries(configurable), and this is configurable, with control being passed to next priority where you can check the channelvariable PRIVACYMGRSTATUS. If the callerid was valid this variable will have the value SUCCESS, otherwise it will have the value FAILED.

PrivacyManager can't guarantee that the number they supply is any good, tho, as there is no way to find out, short of hanging up and calling them back. But some answers are obviously wrong. For instance, it seems a common practice for telemarketers to use your own number instead of giving you theirs. A simple test can detect this. More advanced tests would be to look for -555- numbers, numbers that count up or down, numbers of all the same digit, etc.

PrivacyManager can be told about a context where you can have patterns that describe valid phone numbers. If none of the patterns match the input, it will be considered a non-valid phonenumber and the user can try again until the retry counter is reached. This helps in resolving the issues stated in the previous paragraph.

My logs show that 39 have hung up in the PrivacyManager script over the last year.

(Note: Demanding all unlisted incoming callers to enter their CID may not always be appropriate for all users. Another option might be to use call screening. See below.)

lmadsen 2010-01-14