Various application variables

${CURL}                 * Resulting page content for curl()
${ENUM}                 * Result of application EnumLookup
${EXITCONTEXT}            Context to exit to in IVR menu (app background())
                          or in the RetryDial() application
${MONITOR}              * Set to "TRUE" if the channel is/has been monitored (app monitor())
${MONITOR_EXEC}           Application to execute after monitoring a call
${MONITOR_EXEC_ARGS}      Arguments to application
${MONITOR_FILENAME}       File for monitoring (recording) calls in queue
${QUEUE_PRIO}             Queue priority
${QUEUE_MAX_PENALTY}      Maximum member penalty allowed to answer caller
${QUEUE_MIN_PENALTY}      Minimum member penalty allowed to answer caller
${QUEUESTATUS}            Status of the call, one of:
${RECORDED_FILE}        * Recorded file in record()
${TALK_DETECTED}        * Result from talkdetect()
${TOUCH_MONITOR}          The filename base to use with Touch Monitor (auto record)
${TOUCH_MONITOR_PREF}   * The prefix for automonitor recording filenames.
${TOUCH_MONITOR_FORMAT}   The audio format to use with Touch Monitor (auto record)
${TOUCH_MONITOR_OUTPUT} * Recorded file from Touch Monitor (auto record)
${TOUCH_MONITOR_MESSAGE_START} Recorded file to play for both channels at start of monitoring session
${TOUCH_MONITOR_MESSAGE_STOP} Recorded file to play for both channels at end of monitoring session
${TXTCIDNAME}           * Result of application TXTCIDName
${VPB_GETDTMF}            chan_vpb

lmadsen 2010-01-14