Bacula Projects

Once a new major version of Bacula is released, the Bacula users will vote on a list of new features. This vote is used as the main element determining what new features will be implemented for the next version. Generally, the development time for a new release is between four to nine months. Sometimes it may be a bit longer, but in that case, there will be a number of bug fix updates to the currently released version.

For the current list of project, please see the projects page in the CVS at:*checkout*/bacula/bacula/projects see the projects file in the main source directory. The projects file is updated approximately once every six months.

Separately from the project list, Kern maintains a current list of tasks as well as ideas, feature requests, and occasionally design notes. This list is updated roughly weekly (sometimes more often). For a current list of tasks you can see kernstodo in the Source Forge CVS at*checkout*/bacula/bacula/kernstodo.

Kern Sibbald 2009-08-09