
发贴�LostParadise 发贴时间:Thu Apr 04 23:19:35 CST 2002


在我的EJB的应用中,都是使用CMT,并且Transaction Attribute设为Required� Method可以成功执行到最后一句,我的程序执行完毕后应该由WAS负责Commit Transaction的,但是我的程序执行完之后WAS或者VAJ4的WTE会不Commit,并且整个Table都被锁住了(我用了Find for update,即写锁,可能与这有关,但是这是建议的,用来避免Deadlock。),WAS没有继续执行下去,就是不Commit,整个Bean就挂在那里�

我的bean其实非常简单,一种是stateless session bean,一种是cmp bean。前者通过调用JDBC(通过一些自己写的DAO类)访问数据库,也调用后者的方法由WAS访问(CMP)数据库。所有这些方法独立调用时经过测试都是没有问题的。但是如果有一个stateless session bean中的方法,同时调用使用JDBC的和使用CMP的方法来共同完成一项功能,就可能出现问题。一种是先前提到的TransactionRollback的问题(已经解决,方法是enable jdbc driver JTA support,虽然我认为不需要这样的,因为都是同一个datasource,根据ibm 的redbook,多个datasource才需要,原因是要用XA,所以应该也算是一个小bug,不过我enable之后的确解决了);另一种是今天碰到的,EJB死了(因此我的客户端也死了),Table被锁住了,并且没有任何Exception抛出,经过深入的跟踪,发现WAS没有执行完成所有的他应该执行的功能,执行到beforeCompletion就停止了(这个方法本身就还没有执行完返回)。还有我对EJB的Transaction和Session都设置了60秒的timeout,但是过�5分钟都没反映,可见死的还真彻底�

我觉得会不会是EJB对两种Transaction的处理是不同的,一种是JDBC Transaction,另一种是JTA(CMP用的应该是JTA)。因为多个同样是JDBC的方法在一个Transaction里面是不会出现问题的,同样多个CMP(JTA)的也没有问题。(但是JDBC也可以用JTA的吧,否则BMP用什么?这是其中一个我想不明白的地方。)

J2EE的文档里面提到有些方法在CMT不能使用�,如getUserTransaction, Connection的commit, rollback, setAutoCommit等,我都已经避免了。但是文档中并没有说明不能把CMP和通过JDBC访问的Stateless bean混用。所以,这究竟是WAS的BUG,EJB的限制,还是我的方法错了?希望是后者,否则我就惨了,几十个Bean要重写。所以希望大家帮帮手,看看有没有解决的方法�

不知道用BMP能否解决这个问题,但是BMP也不能满足我们项目的要求,EntityBean始终是太弱了(我们的某些方法甚至连要访问那一张表都是实际应用时才能确定的,不适合用EntityBean,只能用JDBC,但是也有不少适合用的,难道通过JDBC访问DB的Stateless session bean和CMP就没有一种更好的共存方法?)�


Win2000 Server+WebSphere3.5.5+DB2 7.1+VAJ4EEE

这里是部分的Trace log。附件有详细的Trace log和standard out,没有出错所以没有standard err�
[02.04.04 19:25:02:156 CST] f5f31043 ContainerTx   > postInvoke
[02.04.04 19:25:02:156 CST] f5f31043 ContainerTx   < postInvoke
[02.04.04 19:25:02:156 CST] f5f31043 EJSContainer  < postInvoke
[02.04.04 19:25:02:156 CST] f5f31043 WrapperManage > postInvoke
[02.04.04 19:25:02:156 CST] f5f31043 WrapperManage < postInvoke
[02.04.04 19:25:02:250 CST] f5f31043 CMStatelessBe > getRollbackOnly
[02.04.04 19:25:02:250 CST] f5f31043 EJSContainer  > getCurrentTx
[02.04.04 19:25:02:250 CST] f5f31043 EJSContainer  > getCurrentTx
[02.04.04 19:25:02:250 CST] f5f31043 EJSContainer  > getCurrentTx
[02.04.04 19:25:02:250 CST] f5f31043 EJSContainer  > getCurrentTx
[02.04.04 19:25:02:250 CST] f5f31043 CMStatelessBe < getRollbackOnly
[02.04.04 19:25:02:500 CST] f5f31043 EJSContainer  > postInvoke
[02.04.04 19:25:02:500 CST] f5f31043 Activator     > postInvoke
                                BeanId(com/pdc/gwis/session/CoreManager, )
[02.04.04 19:25:02:500 CST] f5f31043 UncachedActiv > atPostInvoke
                                BeanId(com/pdc/gwis/session/CoreManager, )
[02.04.04 19:25:02:500 CST] f5f31043 UncachedActiv < atPostInvoke
[02.04.04 19:25:02:500 CST] f5f31043 Activator     < postInvoke
[02.04.04 19:25:02:500 CST] f5f31043 ContainerTx   > postInvoke
[02.04.04 19:25:02:500 CST] f5f31043 ContainerTx   < postInvoke
[02.04.04 19:25:02:546 CST] f5f31043 ContainerTx   > beforeCompletion
[02.04.04 19:25:28:578 CST] 314d104c StatefulBeanR D StatefulBeanReaper thread waking up
[02.04.04 19:25:28:578 CST] 314d104c StatefulBeanR D StatefulBeanReaper thread going to sleep
[02.04.04 19:26:28:578 CST] 314d104c StatefulBeanR D StatefulBeanReaper thread waking up
[02.04.04 19:26:28:578 CST] 314d104c StatefulBeanR D StatefulBeanReaper thread going to sleep
[02.04.04 19:27:28:578 CST] 314d104c StatefulBeanR D StatefulBeanReaper thread waking up
[02.04.04 19:27:28:578 CST] 314d104c StatefulBeanR D StatefulBeanReaper thread going to sleep
[02.04.04 19:28:28:578 CST] 314d104c StatefulBeanR D StatefulBeanReaper thread waking up
[02.04.04 19:28:28:578 CST] 314d104c StatefulBeanR D StatefulBeanReaper thread going to sleep
(到这里已经彻底死了,可以看到在ContainerTx   > beforeCompletion这里没有执行成功并返回,不知是不是等待某些资源的释放,但是我的应用应该不会死锁的,只有一个update,也只有一个测试的client。但是无论如�,was应该抛出错误的。)


在下面的两个EJB的应用中,都是使用CMT,并且Transaction Attribute设为Required� 成功执行到最后一句,但是执行完之后WAS或者VAJ4的WTE会自动roll back,并抛出一个TransactionRolledbackException。这两个bean其实非常简单,一个是stateless session bean,一个是cmp bean。前者有4个方法,其中两个通过JDBC访问数据库的方法(test1, test2),另有一个利用后�(CMP)访问数据库的方法(test3),最后一个是调用这三个方法的方法(test)。对test1,test2,test3分别调用都是完全没有问题的。而且如果从test中注释掉对第三个方法的调用,则不会出现问题。唯一会出现问题的是三个方法同时调用(在一个方法里面)的时候�

我觉得会不会是EJB对两种Transaction的处理是不同的,一种是test1和test2的JDBC Transaction,另一种是test3的JTA(CMP用的应该是JTA)。因为多个同样是JDBC的方法在一个Transaction里面是不会出现问题的,同样多个JTA的也没有问题。(但是JDBC也可以用JTA的吧,否则BMP用什么?这是其中一个我想不明白的地方。)

J2EE的文档里面提到有些方法在CMT不能使用�,如getUserTransaction, Connection的commit, rollback, setAutoCommit等,我都已经避免了。但是文档中并没有说明不能把CMP和通过JDBC访问的Stateless bean混用。所以,这究竟是WAS的BUG,EJB的限制,还是我的方法错了?希望是后者,否则我就惨了,几十个Bean要重写。所以希望大家帮帮手,看看有没有解决的方法�

不知道用BMP能否解决这个问题,但是BMP也不能满足我们项目的要求,EntityBean始终是太弱了(我们的某些方法甚至连要访问那一张表都是实际应用时才能确定的,不适合用EntityBean,只能用JDBC,但是也有不少适合用的,难道通过JDBC访问DB的Stateless session bean和CMP就没有一种更好的共存方法?)�


Win2000 Server+WebSphere3.5.5+DB2 7.1+VAJ4EEE


//the first ejb, a stateless session bean. Use CMT, and transaction attribute is set to required
package com.test.ejb;

import java.rmi.RemoteException;
import java.util.Properties;
import javax.ejb.*;
import java.sql.*;
import javax.naming.*;
import javax.rmi.*;

import com.pdc.common.Debug;
import com.pdc.common.Utility;

import com.pdc.common.database.*;

import com.test.ejb.*;
* This is a Session Bean Class
public class testJdbc1EJB implements SessionBean {
private javax.ejb.SessionContext mySessionCtx = null;
private final static long serialVersionUID = 3206093459760846163L;

private ConnectionManager cm = ConnectionManager.getInstance();
* ejbActivate method comment
* @exception java.rmi.RemoteException The exception description.
public void ejbActivate() throws java.rmi.RemoteException {}
* ejbCreate method comment
* @exception javax.ejb.CreateException The exception description.
* @exception java.rmi.RemoteException The exception description.
public void ejbCreate() throws javax.ejb.CreateException, java.rmi.RemoteException {}
* ejbPassivate method comment
* @exception java.rmi.RemoteException The exception description.
public void ejbPassivate() throws java.rmi.RemoteException {}
* ejbRemove method comment
* @exception java.rmi.RemoteException The exception description.
public void ejbRemove() throws java.rmi.RemoteException {}
* Set up a database connection.
* Creation date: (3/26/2002 6:46:33 PM)
* @return java.sql.Connection the database connection.
* @exception java.sql.SQLException Cannot set up a data base connection.
private Connection getConnection() throws java.sql.SQLException {
Connection con = cm.getConnection();

return con;
* getSessionContext method comment
* @return javax.ejb.SessionContext
public javax.ejb.SessionContext getSessionContext() {
return mySessionCtx;
* setSessionContext method comment
* @param ctx javax.ejb.SessionContext
* @exception java.rmi.RemoteException The exception description.
public void setSessionContext(javax.ejb.SessionContext ctx) throws java.rmi.RemoteException {
mySessionCtx = ctx;
* Insert the method's description here.
* Creation date: (4/2/2002 4:47:28 PM)
public void testJdbc() {
Debug.log("Result of test 1:" + testJdbc01());
Debug.log("Result of test 2:" + testJdbc02());
//if the following line is commented, no exception will be thrown
Debug.log("Result of test 3:" + testJdbc03());
* Insert the method's description here.
* Creation date: (4/2/2002 4:47:07 PM)
* @return int
public int testJdbc01() {
Connection con = null;
Statement stmt = null;
ResultSet rs = null;
int result = -1;
try {
con = getConnection();
stmt = con.createStatement();
rs = stmt.executeQuery("select count(*) as count from t_work_items");
if (
result = rs.getInt(1);
Debug.log("Result:" + result);

} catch (SQLException e) {
} finally {
Utility.cleanup(con, stmt, rs);
return result;
* Insert the method's description here.
* Creation date: (4/2/2002 4:47:16 PM)
* @return int
public int testJdbc02() {
Connection con = null;
Statement stmt = null;
ResultSet rs = null;
int result = -1;
try {
con = getConnection();
stmt = con.createStatement();
rs = stmt.executeQuery("select count(*) as count from t_work_queues");
if (
result = rs.getInt(1);
Debug.log("Result:" + result);

} catch (SQLException e) {
} finally {
Utility.cleanup(con, stmt, rs);
return result;
* Insert the method's description here.
* Creation date: (4/2/2002 5:03:28 PM)
* @return int
public int testJdbc03() {
int result = -1;
try {
Test2Home home = null;
Context ctx = new javax.naming.InitialContext();
Object obj = ctx.lookup("com/test/ejb/Test2");
home = (Test2Home) javax.rmi.PortableRemoteObject.narrow(obj, Test2Home.class);
Test2 remote = home.create(1);
result = 0;
} catch (Exception e) {
return result;

//start of 2nd ejb, this is a cmp bean, use CMT, and transaction attribute is set to required
package com.test.ejb;

import java.rmi.RemoteException;
import java.util.Properties;
import javax.ejb.*;
* This is an Entity Bean class with CMP fields
public class Test2EJB implements EntityBean {
private javax.ejb.EntityContext entityContext = null;
public int id;
public String name;
private final static long serialVersionUID = 3206093459760846163L;

* This method was generated for supporting the associations.
* @return java.util.Vector
protected java.util.Vector _getLinks() {
java.util.Vector links = new java.util.Vector();
return links;
* This method was generated for supporting the associations.
protected void _initLinks() {}
* This method was generated for supporting the associations.
* @exception java.rmi.RemoteException The exception description.
* @exception javax.ejb.RemoveException The exception description.
protected void _removeLinks() throws java.rmi.RemoteException, javax.ejb.RemoveException {
java.util.Enumeration links = _getLinks().elements();
while (links.hasMoreElements()) {
try {
(( (links.nextElement())).remove();
catch (javax.ejb.FinderException e) {} //Consume Finder error since I am going away
* ejbActivate method comment
* @exception java.rmi.RemoteException The exception description.
public void ejbActivate() throws java.rmi.RemoteException {
* ejbCreate method for a CMP entity bean
* @param argId int
* @exception javax.ejb.CreateException The exception description.
* @exception java.rmi.RemoteException The exception description.
public void ejbCreate(int argId) throws javax.ejb.CreateException, java.rmi.RemoteException {
// All CMP fields should be initialized here.
id = argId;
* ejbLoad method comment
* @exception java.rmi.RemoteException The exception description.
public void ejbLoad() throws java.rmi.RemoteException {
* ejbPassivate method comment
* @exception java.rmi.RemoteException The exception description.
public void ejbPassivate() throws java.rmi.RemoteException {}
* ejbPostCreate method for a CMP entity bean
* @param argId int
* @exception java.rmi.RemoteException The exception description.
public void ejbPostCreate(int argId) throws java.rmi.RemoteException {}
* ejbRemove method comment
* @exception java.rmi.RemoteException The exception description.
* @exception javax.ejb.RemoveException The exception description.
public void ejbRemove() throws java.rmi.RemoteException, javax.ejb.RemoveException {
* ejbStore method comment
* @exception java.rmi.RemoteException The exception description.
public void ejbStore() throws java.rmi.RemoteException {}
* getEntityContext method comment
* @return javax.ejb.EntityContext
public javax.ejb.EntityContext getEntityContext() {
return entityContext;
* Getter method for name
* @return java.lang.String
public java.lang.String getName() {
return name;
* setEntityContext method comment
* @param ctx javax.ejb.EntityContext
* @exception java.rmi.RemoteException The exception description.
public void setEntityContext(javax.ejb.EntityContext ctx) throws java.rmi.RemoteException {
entityContext = ctx;
* Setter method for name
* @param newValue java.lang.String
public void setName(java.lang.String newValue) { = newValue;
* unsetEntityContext method comment
* @exception java.rmi.RemoteException The exception description.
public void unsetEntityContext() throws java.rmi.RemoteException {
entityContext = null;


Copyright Java开发�

回复�ericlma   回复时间:Fri Apr 05 10:48:13 CST 2002
As I have zero experience with WAS and DB2, I cannot offer any direct help.  However, if you want to send me your EJB code and DD's, I can try to test them with WebLogic 6.1 SP2 and Oracle 8.1.7.  Somehow I have a feeling it is the limitation of IBM product that caused your problem.  As far as I know the EJB spec does not prevent you from what you are doing.  

回复�LostParadise   回复时间:Fri Apr 05 19:27:27 CST 2002
Thanks, but my source is my company's property, cannot be posted here.
And as � mentioned, some beans methods are ok, some are not. I found they have a different, the latter have more than one methods access the same table. for example:

public void test() {
 test1();//use jdbc to read a row in table t_1
 test2();//use cmp methods to update the same row in table t_1

I think was lock the table when Iuse jdbc to read data from table, and do not release it, so when it try to update the row, it's locked, was keep waiting for the lock's release. I try to use "for read only" in the sql used to access db, but still fail. And stateless bean cannot declare a method as read-only. And then I want to put this jdbc code in a stateless session bean method, and set transaction attribute to required_new so to create a new transaction and suspend the old one, when the new one finished the old one will resume(this is stated in ejb spec), fail again. I am so tired, so I rewrite the bean to use jdbc only. DAMN WAS, DAMN IBM. How ever, if one of you can give me a help, your help is appeciated! I still want to solve this problem, using jdbc only is not a good design, cannot use the benefit of using CMP.

回复�hitterycn   回复时间:Tue Apr 09 10:12:17 CST 2002
我自己在 wlserver6.1 上使用你所说的两种不同� Transaction 类型� 一种是 JDBC 的, 另一种是 CMP bean 的, 代码如下:(其中� testname 具有唯一索引�
package ejb;

import javax.ejb.*;
import javax.naming.*;
import java.sql.*;
import javax.sql.*;
import javax.transaction.*;

public class Test_1Bean implements SessionBean {

 SessionContext sessionContext;

 public void ejbCreate() throws CreateException {

 public void ejbRemove() {

 public void ejbActivate() {

 public void ejbPassivate() {

 public void setSessionContext(SessionContext sessionContext) {
   this.sessionContext = sessionContext;

 public void testMethod(){
     TestHome thome = (TestHome)new InitialContext().lookup("java:comp/env/mytest");
     Test t1 = thome.create(new Integer(2));


     Test t2 = thome.create(new Integer(3));
   }catch(Exception ex){
     throw new EJBException(ex.getMessage());
 public void test1() {
   DataSource source = null;
   Connection conn = null;
   //UserTransaction tran = sessionContext.getUserTransaction();
     source = (DataSource)new InitialContext().lookup("java:comp/env/myjdbc");
     conn = source.getConnection();
     Statement st = conn.createStatement();

     st.addBatch("insert into test values(4, 'ggg')");
     st.addBatch("insert into test values(5, 'bbb')");
     st.addBatch("insert into test values(5, 'ccc')");
   }catch(Exception ex){
     //try{tran.rollback(); System.out.println(">>>>>");}catch(Exception ex1){ex1.printStackTrace();}
     try{ conn.close(); }catch(Exception ex){ ex.printStackTrace(); }

调用 testMethod() 能够成功� rollback(), 而不会出现你所说的那些错误� 说明你所说的不同� transaction 的不能共存没有依据(transaction type: container; transaction attribute: required�

回复�ericlma   回复时间:Tue Apr 09 10:56:09 CST 2002
Good job!  Just a couple of questions:

1. You mentioned operations in testMethod() could rollback.  But I thought the original problem LostParadise faced was the operations could not commit, and were rolled back instead.  In other words, he didn't want to rollback the TX.  Could you COMMIT your operations in your test?

2. You commented out the JTA calls in your code above.  Did you test the code with these calls uncommented?  We want to prove that there is no conflict between BMT and CMT, so we need to have the JTA stuff turned on.

Once again thank you for sharing your test results.

回复�hitterycn   回复时间:Tue Apr 09 11:51:08 CST 2002
是的� 实际上在 context.setRollBackOnly() 之后的所有代码都没有办法 commit, 所以问题就在这里: 到底应该在哪里添� context.setRollBackOnly() , 难道� catch 里? 但之前成功的代码却没� rollback, 那实际上这个 transaction is failed, 我正准备测试 JTA calls, 稍晚我会把结果与大家分享的!

回复�hitterycn   回复时间:Tue Apr 09 11:58:07 CST 2002
这段代码会留� 2 null 纪录� 但按照理想看应该是什么也不会留下�
 public void testMethod(){
   UserTransaction tran = sessionContext.getUserTransaction();
     TestHome thome = (TestHome)new InitialContext().lookup("java:comp/env/mytest");
     Test t1 = thome.create(new Integer(2));


     Test t2 = thome.create(new Integer(2));
   }catch(Exception ex){
     try{tran.rollback();}catch(Exception ex1){ex1.printStackTrace();}
Test t2 = thome.create(new Integer(2)); => Test t2 = thome.create(new Integer(3)); 可以完整提交

回复�LostParadise   回复时间:Tue Apr 09 22:03:20 CST 2002
oh no.这样看来你们测试也会发生同样的问题?我本来以为只有WAS才有这个问题的,如果是我的beans还有希望�
而且你们好像有点误会了,我虽然用的是JDBC,但是还是使用CMT的(当然BMT也试过,同样失败,但是没有测试得那么详细)。JDBC和CMP一起使用也可以的(都使用CMT),我的bean中有很多都是这样的,原来不行是因为没有enable xa。我目前只是发觉他们同时(指在同一个transaction里面)访问同一个表会发生这种问题。我研究这个问题化了4天,5555,进度严重落后,这几天加班很惨,所以暂时把那些bean都改成全部用jdbc了,到时找出原因再改回来�

回复�ericlma   回复时间:Wed Apr 10 09:15:30 CST 2002
I took the code posted by LostParadise and made minimal change.  I tested it with WebLogic 6.1 SP2 and Oracle 8.1.6, both running on WinNT 4.0 SP6.  I had no problem calling the testJdbc() method of the testJdbcEJB SLSB and commit the operation of the Test2 CMP entity bean.  This led me to believe strongly it is WAS 3.5 and DB2 that caused the dead lock and rollback problem experienced by Lost Paradise.

回复�LostParadise   回复时间:Wed Apr 10 22:00:41 CST 2002
Thanks, ericlma.
But the code you mentioned above is the code I posted here? They won't cause the problem now, because they won't read a table in jdbc then update the same table in cmp. But you can the code a little to achieve the same effect and test again, for example, change "select count(*) as count from t_work_queues" to use the same table as the cmp use, the test table.

I believe, and I hope this is a problem of WAS3.5.x. Because I do not found this limitation in J2EE/EJB specification.

And  ericlma, you are familiar with EJB, right? I want to discuss with you on another problem, how to control EJB version. EJB is design for enterprise, many different application/project can use the same EJB. But they maybe use them with a little different, for example some small features. And when I upgrade my beans for one project, all projects will be impacted, that is too bad! And in WAS3.5.x, there is a great limitation, the WHOLE WAS use a single JVM, not one JVM per EJB container, or per EJB group(WAS 3.5.x do not have this concept). This limitation make me very difficult to design a good model. Do any of you have such experience? (555, after my study, I found WAS is not so compatible with SUN's standard and other app servers) Do weblogic have the same problem(I think wl6.x won't have this problem, how about 5.x?). This problem may encounter when developing a big application.

回复�ericlma   回复时间:Thu Apr 11 00:01:29 CST 2002
Lost Paradise:

I did a quick test by selecting from the same table which the CMP inserts to, and there was no problem at all.  By default WebLogic uses database concurrency strategy, i.e, relying on Oracle to handle it.  Oracle never puts an exclusive lock on a table when reading, so it won't block the writer.

Is it too late to switch to WebLogic/Oracle? :)  Can you upgrade to WAS 4.0?

I will think abot your second question a little more before respond.  BTW, why do you have to keep mutiple versions of EJB's.  Can you give a good example?  

回复�LostParadise   回复时间:Thu Apr 11 22:00:49 CST 2002
OK。My system is a core system, it will have many client projects(5-10, or even more). Then all have some common features, so these feature go into my core. But each project has their own features, they are not implemented in core, but core must support them, client project just need to customized or rewrite a few line of code to use my core.

each project will have it's development progress. and when development goes on, they will have new requirements, these new feature maybe not required by other projects, but i must support them, and must not impact existing projects which do not use the new features. so i must make different project use different version of ejb.

my core will be hosted in a as400, or a s390(mainframe) as the projects grow up. client projects will use the same server to save up resource. so i must support multiple project, multiple version of ejb in the same server(or ejb container).

but WAS 3.5.x make it even worse. WAS run all programs(ejb, servlet) in a single jvm. this is true until was4.0.(I cannot perswuade my bosses to upgrade to 4.0), 4.0 can set each module to run in it's own jvm.

and WAS do not support ejb hot deploy, each time a project need to upgrade the core, every project is impacted, because i must first shut down the server and redeploy the beans. even worse, if the remote interface is changed, each project need to upgrade the clientejb.jar, or else they cannot accesss the new ejb.

EJB is design for enterprise application, and my project is truely a typical enterprise application. so I think we should find a better solution. If not, EJB should not declared ENTERPRISE.
so i must make a version control

回复�LostParadise   回复时间:Sun Jun 16 12:53:50 CST 2002
***** 版主模式 *****

该贴子是管理员从� EJB �转移过来的!

回复�LostParadise   回复时间:Sun Jun 16 13:03:36 CST 2002
我上周再次探讨这个问题,试过好几种方法,但是还是不成功。目前我唯一的办法就是避开她,会出现问题的地方全部改用JDBC,逻辑一点不变,所以我的逻辑是不会导致死锁的,这点我十分肯定。请问在WAS中使用EJB和JDBC有些什么要注意的地方?(除了SUN的spec中的那几个以外) 大家在WAS中有没有碰到类似的Transaction问题�

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