XmlContainer::parseXPathExpression |
#include <DbXml.hpp>XmlQueryExpression XmlContainer::parseXPathExpression( DbTxn *txn, const std::string &xpath, XmlQueryContext *context=0);
The XmlContainer::parseXPathExpression returns a pre-parsed XPath expression, which can be used with the XmlContainer::queryWithXPath method.
The query may optionally be parsed within an XmlQueryContext, which describes how the query is to be performed. If no context is specified the default context is used. The default query context defines the namespace prefix "dbxml", contains no variable bindings, specifies eager evaluation, and specifies that the method should return the set of XmlDocuments matching the XPath expression.
Returns a pre-parsed XPath expression.
The XmlContainer::close method may fail and throw XmlException, encapsulating one of the following non-zero errors:
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