Berkeley DB, DBXML, JE

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Berkeley DB (BDB) is a computer software library that provides a high-performance embedded database, with bindings in C, C++, Java, Perl, Python, Ruby, Tcl, Smalltalk, and many other programming languages. BDB stores arbitrary key/data pairs as byte arrays, and supports multiple data items for a single key. BDB can support thousands of simultaneous threads of control or concurrent processes manipulating databases as large as 256 terabytes, on a wide variety of operating systems including most Unix-like and Windows systems, and real-time operating systems.

Berkeley DB是由美国Sleepycat Software公司开发的一套开放源码的嵌入式数据库的程序库(database library),它为应用程序提供可伸缩的、高性能的、有事务保护功能的数据管理服务。Berkeley DB为数据的存取和管理提供了一组简洁的函数调用API接口。Oracle在2006年宣布收购 Sleepycat,并将BerkeleyDB数据库纳入了自己的嵌入式数据库产品线。需要注意的是,Berkeley DB尽管是开源的、对个人应用是免费的,但是其商用许可证费用是相当可观的


• Berkeley DB
• Google Accounts Berkeley DB High Availability
• Berkeley db-4.2.52在线手册
• Berkeley dbxml-1.2.1在线手册
• Berkeley je-1.5.1在线手册

