base class — PyObjectPlus
An object providing information about a LibLoad() operation.
# Print a message when an async LibLoad is done
import bge
def finished_cb(status):
print("Library (%s) loaded in %.2fms." % (status.libraryName, status.timeTaken))
bge.logic.LibLoad('myblend.blend', 'Scene', async=True).onFinish = finished_cb
A callback that gets called when the lib load is done.
Type: | callable |
The current progress of the lib load as a normalized value from 0.0 to 1.0.
Type: | float |
The name of the library being loaded (the first argument to LibLoad).
Type: | string |
The amount of time, in seconds, the lib load took (0 until the operation is complete).
Type: | float |