Renderable Objects

Relevant to Blender v2.31

YafRay currently supports only Mesh Objects. An example of a simple triangular planar plate is:

m00 = "0.997525" m01 = "0.070303" m02 = "0.001329" m03 = "0.115816"
m10 = "-0.018745" m11 = "0.284097" m12 = "-0.958612" m13 = "1.522439"
m20 = "-0.067771" m21 = "0.956215" m22 = "0.284711" m23 = "3.272361"
m30 = "0.000000" m31 = "0.000000" m32 = "0.000000" m33 = "1.000000"

<object name = "Plane.002" shader_name = "Plane.002.mat" caus_IOR = "1.500000" recv_rad = "on" emit_rad "on"
        shadow = "on">
                <caus_tcolor r = "1.000000" g = "1.000000" b = "1.000000"/>
                <caus_rcolor r = "1.000000" g = "1.000000" b = "1.000000" />
                <mesh    autosmooth = "30.0" >
        <p x"4.403727"  y="-4.403728"  z="0.000000" />
        <p x="-4.403727"  y="-4.403727"  z="0.000000" />
        <p x="-4.403725"  y="4.403728"  z="0.000000" />

        <f a="0" b="2" c="1" />

Transform tag

The Transform tag defines the transform matrix for the enclosed object (position, scale and rotation from the world origin point).

Object tag

The object tag defines the object geometry, it has a series of parameters:

  • caus_IOR: Index of Refraction for Caustic Photons.

  • recv_rad: Whether to receive radiosity (bounced light generated from Photon Lights) ('on' or 'off').

  • emit_rad: Whether to emit radiosity ('on' or 'off').

  • shadow: Whether or not to cast a shadow ('on' or 'off').

  • caus_tcolor: The colour to tint transmitted photons (colours the refractive caustics).

  • caus_rcolor: The colour to tint reflected photons (colours the reflective caustics).

The Mesh tag:

The key tag within an object definition is the Mesh tag, which defines its geometry:

  • autosmooth: Threshold angle for the smoothing algorithm (omit to get 'faceted' objects).

Within the mesh tag a <points> block defines the vertices of the mesh, while a <faces> block defines triangular faces by the indices of their three vertices.