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How to control properties order?

For internal reasons, Boost.Build sorts all the properties alphabetically. This means that if you write:

exe a : a.cpp : <include>b <include>a ;

then the command line with first mention the "a" include directory, and then "b", even though they are specified in the opposite order. In most cases, the user doesn't care. But sometimes the order of includes, or other properties, is important. For example, if one uses both the C++ Boost library and the "boost-sandbox" (libraries in development), then include path for boost-sandbox must come first, because some headers may override ones in C++ Boost. For such cases, a special syntax is provided:

exe a : a.cpp : <include>a&&b ;        

The && symbols separate values of an property, and specify that the order of the values should be preserved. You are advised to use this feature only when the order of properties really matters, and not as a convenient shortcut. Using it everywhere might negatively affect performance.
