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Shrink Wrapped Boost

Boost has found it's way into many products that are available "off the shelf", including consumer applications from Adobe, through to business middleware from SAP.

Adobe Photoshop CS2

Adobe Photoshop CS2 uses the Adobe Software Libraries, which in turn depend upon large parts of Boost. The Adobe Software Libraries are being rolled out across the Adobe product line to provide cross platform user interface logic.
Adobe Indesign

Adobe Indesign offers best of breed page design: Indesign and it's asociated SDK depend upon Boost Regex, Functional and others.
SAP NetWeaver

SAP NetWeaver is the technical foundation of mySAP Business Suite solutions, SAP xApps composite applications, partner solutions, and customer custom-built applications. The Boost Regex library provides the regular expression implementation for SAP's ABAP language.
Real Networks, Rhapsody

The Rhapsody Music Service allows its subscribers to legally download/transfer/burn over a million songs. The Rhapsody client software was built with many Boost libraries:

"Format: Boost.Format is top notch. Using it is a bliss.
Functional, Function, and Bind: These three libraries, along with smart pointer are the most used in our application. I could not imagine not having them handy.
Smart Pointer: Hands down, the most useful, and used library of the lot!
Date Time: Simple to use, effective, does the job. I love the flexible input string parsing facilities, and the human readable ISO output.
Iterators: Wow. Moving legacy iterating interfaces, or interfaces that should of been properly designed as iterators to STL compliant iterators was easy and painless. The gains in functionality to our code made by this library are invaluable.
Regex: When you need it, it works magic.
Thread: Used to implement the monitor pattern in key areas.
Preprocessor: Used to implement repetitive unit-test code generation. The codebase benefited greatly from the clarity boost.preprocessor brought."
McAfee, Managed VirusScan 3

McAfee Managed VirusScan, is an always on, automatic virus protection for desktops and servers.

More details of the Boost libraries used can be found here.
DataSolid GmbH Germany, CADdy++ Mechanical Design (c)

CADdy++ Mechanical Design professional (c) is a fully parametric 3D CAD application with unbroken link between 3D models and 2D drawings. CADdy++ uses the Boost libraries: Any, Tokenizer, Signals, Property Map, Array, Bind, Operators, Tuple, Random.

"Many thanks to all the boost developers for their great work and effort spending into boost."
Dimesion 5, Miner3D

Data visualization technology enabling advanced data analysis, visualization, sonification and speech applications for business and science.
The Miner3D application provides means for interactive visual analysis of arbitrary tabular data from various data sources. It has a powerful OpenGL-based visualization engine and an intuitive GUI. This combination helps a human eye guide the application of statistical tools and spot the patterns that might otherwise remain hidden. "We are using following boost libraries: Date Time, Variant, Regex, Format, String Algoritms, Smart Pointers, MPL, Type Traits, Operators, Dynamic Bitset, Enable If, Timer."
Synergy, mailIntercept

mailIntercept from Synergy is a mail interceptor service for Exchange Server 2000/2003.
mailIntercept intercepts and interprets the e-mails from a LAN using Exchange Server and converts the microsoft proprietary format to MIME and passes them to an SMTP filter and returns the emails to the Exchange Server as modified by the SMTP filter, converted back to the microsoft proprietary format and with its features preserved.

mailIntercept was built using the following Boost libraries: MPL, String Algorithm, Bind, Phoenix, Spirit, Pointer Container, Serialization, Regex, Iterators, Lambda, Lexical Cast, Operators, Smart Pointer, Tribool and Type Traits
Integrated Research P/L, PROGNOSIS IP Telephony Manager and IP Telephony Express

PROGNOSIS is a suite of IP telephony management software products, specifically designed to address the key challenges of IP telephony life cycle management, including network-readiness, assessment, pre-deployment assurance testing, and ongoing Day-2 management of Cisco CallManager, Cisco Unity, and Cisco AVVID infrastructure. "The Boost libraries used were: Any, Bind, Function, Lexical Cast, MPL, Numeric Cast, Ref, Regex, Smart Pointer, Thread, Type Traits."
Kinook Software, Visual Build Professional

Visual Build Professional is a tool that enables developers, software process engineers, and build specialists to create an automated, repeatable process for building their software. Visual Build provides built-in support for Microsoft Visual Studio .NET and 2005, Visual Basic, Visual C++, Visual J++, SourceSafe, eMbedded Tools, Borland Delphi, JBuilder, C++Builder, and more.

The following Boost Libraries were used: Any, Mem_fn, Regex, Smart Pointer, Static Assert
Kinook Software, Ultra Recall

Ultra Recall is a personal information management (PIM) / knowledge management (KM) application for Microsoft Windows. It helps you capture, organize, and recall all of your electronic information across all the applications that you use.

Used the following Boost libraries: Format, Shared Pointer, Static Assert
Applied Dynamics International, ADvantageDE

Applied Dynamics International (ADI) provides state-of-the art software and hardware tools to the automotive, aerospace, and defense industries to design and test embedded control systems. ADI's tools provide advanced capabilities in real-time hardware-in-the-loop (HIL) simulation, rapid prototyping, and embedded controller software development. We have been a leading supplier of HIL simulation solutions since 1957.

ADvantageDE is the development environment. It allows simulation models to be easily connected to one another or to hardware components for real-time simulation. ADvantageDE projects can be created for execution on your PC, Unix workstation or on our real-time platforms.

ADvantageVI is the point of control and the graphical user interface for all of the run-time activities. The run-time architecture includes extensive features for interacting with, visualizing, and automating simulation and test activities.

DasCom provides access to real-time simulation data from most Windows applications, such as Micrsoft Excel, National Instruments Labview, etc.

The following Boost Libraries are used: Array, Assign, Bind, CRC, Dynamic Bitset, Enable If, File System, Function, Functional, Iterators, Lambda, Optional, Preprocessor, Ref, Regex, Serialization, Signals, Smart Pointer, Static Assert, Spirit, String Algorithm, TokenizerTuple, Uutility(Non-Copyable) and Variant

PeerGuardian 2 is Methlabs premier IP blocker for Windows. With features like support for multiple lists, a list editor, automatic updates, and blocking all of IPv4 (TCP, UDP, ICMP, etc), PeerGuardian 2 is the safest and easiest way to protect your privacy on P2P.

Boost Libraries used include CRC, Bind, Integer, Function, Functional, Smart Pointers, Lexical cast, String Algorithms, Random, Format, Utility.

DECOMSYS::DESIGNER PRO enables the user to design a highly complex FlexRay communication system, which is going to be the fundament for tomorrow's automotive electronics.

"Boost Libraries used: Bind, Dynamic Bitset, Format, Function, Iterators, MPL, Multi Index, Non-Copyable, Operators, Preprocessor (nice for generating data for unit tests), Program Options (for the unit test programs), Ref, Regex, Serialization, Signals, SmartPointer, Spirit, Timer and Variant

We are also planning to use Andreas Huber's FSM library and Iostreams (together with Serialize) once they are officially released."
Wise Riddles Software, Audiomatic

Audiomatic is a tool used to make system-wide macros and then launch those macros with a voice command or keyboard shortcut at any time... from any Windows application. Audiomatic enables you to launch programs, files, or websites; simulate keystrokes; play sounds; speak text; or even run scripts. You can do it all with a voice command or keyboard shortcut! "Boost libraries Used: Bind, Function, Smart Pointers, Date Time, String Algorithm, Utility (Non-Copyable, Ref), Regex, Thread, MPL and Type Traits."
Megahard Software Technologies Inc., Rule in Hell

Rule in Hell is a Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game (still in beta).

The Boost libraries used were: Bind, Function, Any, Tuples, Ref, Shared Pointer, Type Traits and Non-Copyable.

"By far the combination of Bind, Function, Shared Pointer and Ref is what we use most heavily".
Dr. Detlef Meyer-Eltz, TextTransformer

The TextTransformer is a Windows IDE for the generation of top down parsers with included c++ interpreter code for semantic actions. Both can be executed or debugged immediately on single source files or on groups of files. Generated parsers can be exported as c++ code including as well the interpretable code as any arbitrary other code. Tokens are defined as POSIX regular expressions and rules are defined in a similar syntax quasi as regular expressions of regular expressions. The construction of parse trees and their traversal is supported.

"The TextTransformer is essentially based on the Boost Regex library, by which the tokens for a parser can be defined. The Lexical Cast and the Format library are used for the integrated c++ interpreter. For the future also an interpreter version of the String Algorithm library is planned. The Program Options library will be used too to improve the command line version of the texttransformer."
Redshift Software, The Thot Tool

The Thot Tool is an asset management tool for a group of game developers. Thot combines assets, both binary and text, with workflow automation into a unified whole, and was built using Boost Threads, Smart Pointer, Regex, MPL, and Type Traits.
Copyright © 2005 Various Authors
