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Boost.Compatibilty library

This library provides workarounds which allow the other Boost libraries to be used on otherwise non-conforming platforms. We hope that it will be possible to remove this library at some time in the future as standard library suppliers become more conforming.

Missing C++ standard library CXX headers (e.g <cstdio>) workaround

The Python script: creates a full set of C++ C header files (e.g. <cstdio>) that are missing on some platforms. The header files created by this script reside in the directory boost/compatibility/cpp_c_headers. To use the header files, add this directory to the include file search path. For example:

cxx -I/usr/local/boost/boost/compatibility/cpp_c_headers ...

Supported platforms are:

There are more powerful alternatives to using the Boost.Compatibility library CXX headers, e.g. STLport or ISOCXX. However, in contrast to these alternatives, the script is very light-weight (less than 100 non-comment lines of Python code), much less ambitious, significantly easier to maintain and therefore more suitable as an interim workaround.

Contributed by Ralf W. Grosse-Kunstleve.

Missing C++ standard library <limits> header workaround boost/limits.hpp

Several Boost libraries require the standard library's <limits> header, yet this header is not always supplied by non-conforming compilers and libraries.  Header boost/limits.hpp simply includes the standard library <limits> header if available, otherwise includes boost/detail/limits.hpp.  BOOST_NO_LIMITS from boost/config.hpp is used to determine <limits> availability.

Note also the test program limits_test.cpp

Contributed by Jens Maurer.


© Copyright Ralf W. Grosse-Kunstleve 2001. Permission to copy, use, modify, sell and distribute this document is granted provided this copyright notice appears in all copies. This document is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty, and with no claim as to its suitability for any purpose.

Updated: April 16, 2001