Boost Pointer Container Library

Class reversible_ptr_container

This class is not a real class that can be found in the library. Its purpose is to present the general interface of all the pointer containers.



namespace boost
        class T, 
        class CloneAllocator,
        class VoidPtrContainer
    class reversible_ptr_container 
    public: // typedefs
        typedef  T*                                           value_type;
        typedef  T&                                           reference;
        typedef  const T&                                     const_reference;
        typedef  implementation defined                       iterator;
        typedef  implementation defined                       const_iterator;
        typedef  typename VoidPtrContainer::differnce_type    difference_type; 
        typedef  typename VoidPtrContainer::size_type         size_type;
        typedef  typename VoidPtrContainer::allocator_type    allocator_type;
        typedef  implementation defined                       reverse_iterator;
        typedef  implementation defined                       const_reverse_iterator;
        typedef  implementation defined                       auto_type;
    public: // construct/copy/destroy
        reversible_ptr_container( auto_ptr<reversible_ptr_container> r );
        template< class InputIterator >
        reversible_ptr_container( InputIterator first, InputIterator last );
        void operator=( std::auto_ptr<reversible_ptr_container> r )  
        allocator_type get_allocator() const;                                      
    public: // iterators
        iterator                begin();
        const_iterator          begin() const;
        iterator                end();
        const_iterator          end() const;
        reverse_iterator        rbegin();
        const_reverse_iterator  rbegin() const;
        reverse_iterator        rend();
        const_reverse_iterator  rend() const;
    public: // capacity
        size_type  size() const;
        size_type  max_size() const;
        bool       empty() const;       
    public: // modifiers
        void      swap( reversible_ptr_container& r );
        void      clear():
    public: // pointer container requirements
        auto_type                                replace( iterator position, T* x );    
        std::auto_ptr<reversible_ptr_container>  clone() const;    
        std::auto_ptr<reversible_ptr_container>  release();
        auto_type                                release( iterator position );
    }; //  class 'reversible_ptr_container'

    // comparison            
    template < class T, class CA, class VPC >
    bool operator==( const reversible_ptr_container<T,CA,VPC>& x,
                     const reversible_ptr_container<T,CA,VPC>& y);
    template < class T, class CA, class VPC  >
    bool operator<( const reversible_ptr_container<T,CA,VPC>& x,
                    const reversible_ptr_container<T,CA,VPC>& y);
    template < class T, class CA, class VPC  >
    bool operator!=( const reversible_ptr_container<T,CA,VPC>& x,
                     const reversible_ptr_container<T,CA,VPC>& y);
    template < class T,  class CA, class VPC >
    bool operator>( const reversible_ptr_container<T,CA,VPC>& x,
                    const reversible_ptr_container<T,CA,VPC>& y);
    template < class T,  class CA, class VPC >
    bool operator>=( const reversible_ptr_container<T,CA,VPC>& x,
                     const reversible_ptr_container<T,CA,VPC>& y);
    template < class T,  class CA, class VPC >
    bool operator<=( const reversible_ptr_container<T,CA,VPC>& x,
                     const reversible_ptr_container<T,CA,VPC>& y);

    template< class T,  class CA, class VPC  >
    void swap( reversible_ptr_container<T,CA,VPC>& x,
               reversible_ptr_container<T,CA,VPC>& y );

    // clonability
    template< class T,  class CA, class VPC >
    new_clone( const reversible_ptr_container<T,CA,VPC>& r );

    // null predicate
    template< class Iterator >
    bool is_null( Iterator i );

} // namespace 'boost'


Semantics: typedefs

Notice how these two types differ:

  • typedef T* value_type;

    • notice this has pointer type
  • typedef T& reference;

    • notice this is not a pointer type

This is done to be able to add pointers directly to the container, but to hide the pointers externally.

Also notice that

  • typedef ... iterator

allows one to iterate over T& objects, not T*. Note that:

iterator i = ...;

returns an iterator that allows one to iterate over void* elements (this is very rarely needed and you should not use the functionality unless you know what you are doing).

  • typedef ... auto_type

This declaration hides a pointer pointer type. You can rely on the following operations:

T* operator->() const;
T& operator*() const;
T* release();

The destructor will delete the stored object. It might help to think it is just an std::auto_ptr<T>.

Semantics: construct/copy/destroy

  • reversible_ptr_container();

    • Effects: Constructs an empty container
    • Postconditions: size() == 0
  • explicit reversible_ptr_container( std::auto_ptr< reversible_ptr_container > r );

    • Effects: Constructs a container by taking ownership of the supplied pointers
  • template< class InputIterator > reversible_ptr_container( InputIterator first, InputIterator last );

    • Requirements: (first,last] is a valid range
    • Effects: Constructs a container with a cloned range of (first,last]
    • Postconditions: size() == std::distance( first, last )
  • ~reversible_ptr_container();

    • Effects: Deletes the stored objects
    • Throws: Nothing
  • void operator=( std::auto_ptr<reversible_ptr_container> r );

    • Effects: Deletes the stored objects and then takes ownership of the supplied pointers
    • Throws: Nothing
  • allocator_type get_allocator() const;

    • Effects: Returns a copy of the allocator of the container object

Semantics: iterators

See also: iterator invalidation

  • iterator begin();

  • const_iterator begin() const;

    • Effects: Returns a mutable/non-mutable iterator with value_type T
    • Throws: Nothing
  • iterator end();

  • const_iterator end() const;

    • Effects: Returns a mutable/non-mutable iterator with value_type T
    • Throws: Nothing
  • reverse_iterator rbegin();

  • const_reverse_iterator rbegin() const;

    • Effects: Returns a mutable/non-mutable reverse iterator with value_type T
    • Throws: Nothing
  • reverse_iterator rend();

  • const_reverse_iterator rend() const;

    • Effects: Returns a mutable/non-mutable reverse iterator with value_type T
    • Throws: Nothing

Semantics: capacity

  • size_type size() const;

    • Effects: Returns the number of stored elements
    • Throws: Nothing
  • size_type max_size() const;

    • Effects: Returns the maximum number of stored elements
    • Throws: Nothing
  • bool empty() const;

    • Effects: Returns whether the container is empty or not
    • Throws: Nothing

Semantics: modifiers

  • void swap( reversible_ptr_container& r );

    • Effects: Swaps the content of the two containers
    • Throws: Nothing
  • void clear();

    • Effects: Destroys all object of the container
    • Postconditions: empty() == true
    • Throws: Nothing

Semantics: pointer container requirements

  • auto_type replace( iterator position, T* x );

    • Requirements: not empty() and x != 0
    • Effects: returns the object pointed to by position and replaces it with x.
    • Throws: bad_ptr_container_operation if the container is empty and bad_pointer if x == 0.
    • Exception safety: Strong guarantee
  • std::auto_ptr< reversible_ptr_container > clone() const;

    • Effects: Returns a deep copy of the container
    • Throws: std::bad_alloc if there is not enough memory to make a clone of the container
    • Complexity: Linear
  • std::auto_ptr< reversible_ptr_container > release();

    • Effects: Releases ownership of the container. This is a useful way of returning a container from a function.
    • Postconditions: empty() == true
    • Throws: std::bad_alloc if the return value cannot be allocated
    • Exception safety: Strong guarantee
  • auto_type release( iterator position );

    • Requirements: not empty();
    • Effects: Releases ownership of the pointer referred to by position
    • Postconditions: size() is one less
    • Throws: bad_ptr_container_operation if the container is empty
    • Exception safety: Strong guarantee

Semantics: comparison

These functions compare the underlying range of objects. So

operation( const ptr_container& l, const ptr_container& r );

has the effect one would expect of normal standard containers. Hence objects are compared and not the pointers to objects.

Semantics: clonability

  • template< class T, class CloneAllocator > reversible_ptr_container<T,CA,VPC>* new_clone( const reversible_ptr_container<T,CA,VPC>& r );

Semantics: null predicate

  • template< class Iterator > bool is_null( Iterator i );

    • Requirements: i is a valid dereferencable iterator
    • Returns: *i.base() == 0;
copyright:Thorsten Ottosen 2004-2005.