Boost.Test > Components > The Unit Test Framework > > Parameters > Detect memory leaks
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The 'build info' parameter

Parameter Name: detect memory leaks
Environment variable name: BOOST_TEST_DETECT_MEMORY_LEAK
Command line argument name: detect_memory_leak
Acceptable Values: 0
integer value > 1
Description: positive value tells the framework to detect the memory leaks (if any). Any value greater then 1 in addition is treated as leak allocation number and setup runtime breakpoint. In other words setting this parameter to the positive value N greater than 1 causes the framework to set a breakpoint at Nth memory allocation (don't do that from the command line - only when you are under debugger). Note: if your test program produce memory leaks notifications, they are combined with allocation number values you could use to set a breakpoint. Currently only applies to MS family of compilers