On-access scanning

One of the interesting features of clamd is on-access scanning based on the Dazuko module, available from http://dazuko.org/. This module is not required to run clamd - furthermore, you shouldn't run Dazuko on production systems. At the moment Dazuko is avaliable for Linux and FreeBSD, but the following information only covers Linux.
	$ tar zxpvf dazuko-a.b.c.tar.gz
	$ cd dazuko-a.b.c
	$ make dazuko
	$ make dazuko-smp (for smp kernels)
	$ su
	# insmod dazuko.o
	# cp dazuko.o /lib/modules/`uname -r`/misc
	# depmod -a
Depending on your Linux distribution you may need to add a "dazuko" entry to /etc/modules or run the module during system's startup by adding
	/sbin/modprobe dazuko
to some startup file. You must also create a new device:
	$ cat /proc/devices | grep dazuko
	254 dazuko
	$ su -c "mknod -m 600 /dev/dazuko c 254 0"
Now configure Clamuko in clamd.conf and read the 5.3 section.

Tomasz Kojm 2008-09-01