
clamscan writes all regular program messages to stdout and errors/warnings to stderr. You can use the option --stdout to redirect all program messages to stdout. Warnings and error messages from libclamav are always printed to stderr. A typical output from clamscan looks like this:
	/tmp/test/removal-tool.exe: Worm.Sober FOUND
	/tmp/test/md5.o: OK
	/tmp/test/blob.c: OK
	/tmp/test/message.c: OK
	/tmp/test/error.hta: VBS.Inor.D FOUND
When a virus is found its name is printed between the filename: and FOUND strings. In case of archives the scanner depends on libclamav and only prints the first virus found within an archive:
	zolw@localhost:/tmp$ clamscan Worm.Mydoom.U FOUND
TIP: You can force clamscan to list all infected files in an archive using -no-archive (this option disables transparent decompressors built into libclamav) and enabling external decompressors: -unzip -unrar....
	zolw@localhost:/tmp$ clamscan --no-archive --unzip
	Archive:  /tmp/
	  inflating: test1.exe
	  inflating: test2.exe
	  inflating: test3.exe
	/tmp/clamav-77e7bfdbb2d3872b/test1.exe: Worm.Mydoom.U FOUND
	/tmp/clamav-77e7bfdbb2d3872b/test2.exe: Trojan.Taskkill.A FOUND
	/tmp/clamav-77e7bfdbb2d3872b/test3.exe: Worm.Nyxem.D FOUND
	/tmp/ Infected.Archive FOUND

Tomasz Kojm 2008-09-01