% Distributing Apps % John Gabriele In the [development environment](development-env.html) chapter, it was noted that you can create and install a runnable jar of your Clojure app like so: cd path/to/my-app lein uberjar cp target/my-app-0.1.0-standalone.jar ~/bin Running the app in the typical way from the command line [^1] takes a lot of typing though: java -jar ~/bin/my-app-0.1.0-standalone.jar arg1 arg1 whatever To make it easier for you and your friends to run your app, create a little script named after it: cd ~/bin touch my-app.sh chmod +x my-app.sh and into it put the following: ~~~{.bash} #!/bin/bash java -jar ~/bin/my-app-0.1.0-standalone.jar "$@" ~~~ When you send your jar to a friend, send this script along as well. Both the jar and the script should go into the ~/bin directory. Now, running your app is as easy as: my-app.sh arg1 arg2 whatever [^1]: Note that some OS's may allow you to simply double-click on a jar file to run it. For those OS's --- and if your program does not need to be passed any options or arguments --- the script described herein is not necessary.