% Getting Help from the Community % John Gabriele The 3 main places to get help with Clojure, in no particular order, are: * IRC (#clojure on freenode) * the mailing list / discussion group: (Note: messages from new members are moderated and may take a little while to appear.) * [StackOverflow Clojure questions](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/clojure) When using IRC, if you've got example code you wish to ask about, you might post it to the Clojure community's very own [Refheap](https://www.refheap.com) paste-bin. There are at least 2 bots usually residing on #clojure, and they both can evaluate code for you: clojurebot : Usage example:    `,(+ 1 1)` lazybot : Usage example:    `&(+ 1 1)` : Usage example with surrounding text:    `this is ##(println "just") a test` If you want to send someone on IRC a message, but they're not logged in at the moment, lazybot can save the message and deliver it next time they're on IRC. For example, to send amalloy such a message: $mail amalloy Thanks for the help earlier! If someone queues such a message for *you*, you retrieve it (as lazybot will tell you) by messaging lazybot like so: /msg lazybot mail To see when the last time someone sent a message to the list, do: $seen their-nick Logs for #clojure are available at: * * And, as always --- regardless of venue --- courtesy counts. `:)`