% Generating Docs from Libraries % John Gabriele Generating API Documentation ============================ To generate regular API docs from a project, see [codox](https://github.com/weavejester/codox). *Now supports markdown in your docstrings!* Browsing Code alongside Docs ============================ You've chosen some libraries which you might be able to use in your project. You've added them as dependencies to your project.clj, lein has fetched them for you, and now you'd like to learn more about them. One way to do that is to use Marginalia to generate docs from the library. Marginalia presents comments and docstrings side-by-side with the library source code. Install [lein-marginalia](https://github.com/gdeer81/lein-marginalia) like so: cd ~/.lein touch profiles.clj and add the following to that file: ~~~clojure {:user {:plugins [[lein-marginalia "0.9.0"]]}} ~~~ (or whatever the current version of marginalia is.) Then (in your project) run the lein subcommand/task provided by that plug-in, like so: cd path/to/my-proj lein marg and point your browser to . > BTW, to make your *own* programs yield nice docs when using > Marginalia, comment them using double-semicolon comment markers and > using Markdown formatting. Use Markdown in your docstrings as well.