% Thanks % John Gabriele Thanks (newest at the top) to: * Jeremy Heiler for insights into contrib library naming conventions. * michaelbarton for pointing out old contrib link at clojuredocs.org * Colin James for his [libs and namespaces blog post](http://blog.8thlight.com/colin-jones/2010/12/05/clojure-libs-and-namespaces-require-use-import-and-ns.html), and for updating it for Clojure 1.4.   `:D` * vijaykiran on #clojure for showing me how to reload code from the repl, and xeqi for `lein deps :tree`. * Some links from [Newbie's Guide to Learning Clojure](http://www.elangocheran.com/blog/2012/03/the-newbies-guide-learning-clojure/) blog post. * Ted Bracht, for the reminder to include some comments about Java's classpath. * weavejester, for feedback and corrections on HN. * technomancy, TimMC, amalloy, raek, antares, devn, ibdknox, seancorfield, Raynes, brehaut, hiredman, and others for feedback and corrections on #clojure. * [Brad Lucas](http://www.beaconhill.com/blog/), for [his example](https://github.com/bradlucas/quote-loader), which I followed to get command-line arg passing working.