Chapter 1. What is CloverETL Server?

The CloverETL Server is an enterprise runtime, monitoring, and automation platform for the CloverETL data integration suite. It provides the necessary tools to deploy, monitor, schedule, integrate, and automate data integration processes in large scale and complex projects.

CloverETL Server's HTTP and SOAP Web Services APIs provide additional automation control for integrating the CloverETL Server into existing application portfolios and processes.

The CloverETL Server is a Java application built to J2EE standards. We support a wide range of application servers including Apache Tomcat, Jetty, IBM WebSphere, Sun Glassfish, JBoss AS, and Oracle WebLogic.

Table 1.1. CloverETL Server and CloverETL Engine comparison

 CloverETL ServerCloverEngine as executable tool
possibilities of executing graphsby calling http (or JMX, etc.) APIs (See details in Simple HTTP API.)by executing external process or by calling Java API
engine initializationduring server startupinit is called for each graph execution
thread and memory optimizationthreads recycling, graphs cache, etc.not implemented
schedulingscheduling by timetable, onetime trigger, logging includedexternal tools (i.e. Cron) can be used
statisticseach graph execution has its own log file and result status is stored; each event triggered by the CS is loggednot implemented
monitoring If graph fails, event listener will be notified. It may send an email, execute a shell command or execute another graph. See details in Graph Event Listeners. Additionally server implements various APIs (HTTP and JMX) which may be used for monitoring of server/graphs status. JMX mBean can be used while graph is running
storage of graphs and related filesgraphs are stored on server file system in so called sandboxes 
security and authorization supportCS supports users/groups management, so each sandbox may have its own access privileges set. All interfaces require authentication. See details in Chapter 15, Server Side Job Files - Sandboxes.passwords entered by user may be encrypted
integration capabilitiesCS provides APIs which can be called using common protocols like HTTP. See details in Simple HTTP API.CloverEngine library can be used as embedded library in client's Java code or it may be executed as separated OS process for each graph.
development of graphsCS supports team cooperation above one project (sandbox). CloverETL Designer is fully integrated with CloverETL Server (CS).  
scalabilityCS implements horizontal scalability of transformation requests as well as data scalability. See details in Chapter 29, Clustering Features In addition CloverEngine implements is vertical scalability natively.Clover Engine implements vertical scalability
jobflowCS implements various jobflow components. See details in the CloverETL manual.Clover Engine itself has limited support of jobflow.