Start a Jobflow

Start a jobflow starts a specified jobflow from a specified sandbox.

Table 20.10. Attributes of "Jobflow execution" task

Task type"Start a jobflow"
Start onNode(s) to process the task

This attribute is accessible only in the cluster environment. If there are nodes specified, the task will be processed on the first node which is online and ready.

SandboxThis select box contains sandboxes which are readable for logger user. Select sandbox which contains jobflow to execute.
JobflowThis select box is filled with all jobflow files accessible in selected sandbox. Type jobflow name or path to filter available items.
Save run recordSaves run record to database. If the task runs too often (once in several seconds), you can increase the database performance by disabling this.
ParametersKey-value pairs which are passed to the executed job as parameters.

Event parameters like "EVENT_RUN_RESULT", "EVENT_RUN_ID" etc. are passed to the executed job without limitations. Parameters EVENT_RUN_RESULT and EVENT_RUN_ID are used in context of event listeners. They are not used in context of scheduling.

Web GUI - Jobflow execution task

Figure 20.5. Web GUI - Jobflow execution task

Please note that behaviour of this task type is almost the same as Start a Graph.

If the jobflow start is triggered by an event, the same set of parameters as in graph event listener is passed to jobflow. Parameters.