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Firewall setup

You can access Compiere through a firewall. The following picture shows a sample configuration. The Web, Application and Database Server can be all on one box. All ports mentioned are the default ports, which you could change.

Compiere HTML Connection

The default Compiere uses port 80 and is set in the server setup (RUN_setup). The default SSL port is 443 and is used by the Web Store.

Compiere Client Connection

The Compiere Client requires a database connection and a application server connection. The Application Server uses the standard RMI port 1099. Behind the firewall, you would use the standard port 1521 to connect to the database listener.

As the listener performs dynamic port switching for performance reasons, you cannot use port 1521 through a firewall. You need to install and set up the Oracle Connection Manager, which uses port 1630 to connect through the firewall forwarding the requests to the target listener and database. You would install the Connection Manager either on the Application or Database Server.

Your firewall would need to have the RMI port 1099 and the Connection Manager port 1630 open.

Application Server Connections

The Application Server received requests through the RMI port 1099 and connects to the database using the standard port 1521. The database connection could be a bequeath (memory pipes) connection, if the database is on the same server, a "fat" OCI (Oracle Call Interface) or a thin JDBC connection. When starting the application server, it uses the fastest connection (bequeath before OCI before thin).

Oracle Connection Manager Setup

For details, please check the Oracle documentation (!).

As a first step, you need to to setup the connection manager configuration file cman.ora (example: D:\Oracle\Ora92\network\admin\cman.ora):

  • The HOST in the cman section is the (internal) database server name (here "main")
  • The cman_rules determine the service name (here "" and its listener destination (here "main")

Start the connection manager (check Oracle documentation)

  • cmctl start cman

The next step is to update the tnsnames.ora file with en entry using the connection manager (in addition to directly connect to the listener). In the example (example: D:\Oracle\Ora92\network\admin\tnsnames.ora) the service connects through the connection manager on host "main" to the database listener on host "main".

You should now be able to connect to the database directly and indirectly. The example is using the Global (TNS) name compiere( and cman( connecting to the database service on the host main( using the database user compiere with the password compiere.

  Direct example CMan example
Ping tnsping compiere
tnsping cman
SQL Plus sqlplus compiere/compiere@compiere
sqlplus compiere/[email protected]
sqlplus compiere/compiere@cman
sqlplus compiere/[email protected]

The in the connection dialog of the Compiere client, you need to specify the (firewall) connection manager settings.

If you have problems connecting from a client, install the Oracle Client (installs the networking software not required when connecting through JDBC) and set up the tnsnames.ora file and test the connection as described above.

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