CruiseControl Build Results JSP Installation Guide
Getting The Source
If you have Subversion installed, you can get the entire CruiseControl source by running:svn checkout
Once you have obtained the source, you should have a reporting/jsp directory that contains the following:
src - The source for the JSP custom tags
test - JUnit Tests for the JSP custom tags
docs - This manual
dist - Output directory for the cruisecontrol.war distributable
images - Images used by the buildresults.jsp
lib - 3rd party libraries
The WEB-INF/web.xml
file holds the required configuration for the
JSP. There are currently 2 parameters that need to be set. The first
is the path to the log directory. This is required so that the JSP can
read the CruiseControl log files to build the left-hand navigation.
The second is the path to the current build status file. This is the
file that is written by the CruiseControl build loop to let the JSP
know whether it is currently building, or when the next build will
You can edit them directly in the WEB-INF/web.xml
file, or you can
set them when you build the WAR file
Depending on the version of the JSP specification that is
implemented by your app server, you may need to make one minor edit to
the buildresults.jsp
file. If you are using a server that is JSP 1.2
compliant, you will need to change the second line after the license
text from:
<%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/cruisecontrol-jsp11.tld" prefix="cruisecontrol"%>to:
<%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/cruisecontrol-jsp12.tld" prefix="cruisecontrol"%>
It is also possible to configure the date format used in the
navigation links. To change this, we'll need to edit the
itself. On the <cruisecontrol:nav>
tag, we can add the dateFormat
attribute. Then we can set
this value to be whatever we choose, as long as it's a valid date
format as recognized by Java.
CruiseControl uses Ant to
build and package the build results web application. Everything you
need to build has been included with the source that you obtained from
Subversion. There is a batch file and a shell script (build.bat
respectively) provided to make building the CruiseControl web
application as easy as possible. The configured cruisecontrol.war
has been created in the dist directory.
You can include options to configure the log directory, status file, and
artifacts directory that you wish to use. The properties to set are
, and
. An example (for Windows) of
doing this would be:
build.bat -Duser.log.dir=C:\Cruise\logs\Cruise\logs
For repeated builds a more convenient method of supplying the values you wish to use is to supply them in a file named If a file with this name exists the properties defined within will be used when building the war file.
Copy the cruisecontrol.war file from the dist directory to the
directory. Then startup the server by going to
the %TOMCAT_HOME%/bin
directory and using the startup script. The
cruisecontrol web application should deploy and you should be able to
test it out by opening a web browser and going to: