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3.4 celstart

`celstart' is a simple application that is designed to fire up a game that uses CEL. If you use this application then you can write games using XML or python scripts without having to write a single line of C++ code.

`celstart' has a single argument which can be of the form:

After starting `celstart' will first try to open the config and then it will give that config file to Crystal Space. So basically the config file is treated like a normal Crystal Space configuration file and thus can contain information about which plugins to load, the desired resolution, and many other options. In addition to that `celstart' will understand the following additional configuration options:

Here is an example config file:

; We always need a dummy name after CelStart.MapFile. Even if we have only one map file.
CelStart.MapFile.a = data/maingame.xml
CelStart.MapFile.b = data/screenmanager.xml
; Use 'iCelBlLayer' for the default behaviour layer. Use another name for the others.
CelStart.BehaviourLayer.iCelBlLayer = cel.behaviourlayer.python
CelStart.BehaviourLayer.blxml = cel.behaviourlayer.xml
; Create one entity.
CelStart.Entity.start = start
CelStart.EntityBehaviourLayer.start = blxml
CelStart.EntityBehaviour.start = start_behaviour
; Load config files from the 'config' dir (under map vfs).
CelStart.ConfigDir.Behaviours = config
; Some CS stuff.
Video.ScreenWidth = 1024
Video.ScreenHeight = 768
System.Plugins.iGraphics3D = crystalspace.graphics3d.opengl
System.Plugins.iEngine = crystalspace.engine.3d

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