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Here is the source for our behaviour layer. The CreateBehaviour() function in BehaviourLayer will compare the given name parameter with the possible names for behaviours and then create the appropriate subclass of BehaviourCommon.

#include <crystalspace.h>

#include <physicallayer/entity.h>
#include <physicallayer/propclas.h>
#include <propclass/linmove.h>
#include <propclass/prop.h>

#include "behave.h"


BehaviourLayer::BehaviourLayer (iCelPlLayer* pl)
  BehaviourLayer::pl = pl;

BehaviourLayer::~BehaviourLayer ()

iCelBehaviour* BehaviourLayer::CreateBehaviour (iCelEntity* entity,
	const char* name)
  iCelBehaviour* behave = 0;
  if (!strcmp (name, "level_behave"))
    behave = new BehaviourLevel (entity, this, pl);
  else if (!strcmp (name, "player_behave"))
    behave = new BehaviourPlayer (entity, this, pl);
  else if (!strcmp (name, "box_behave"))
    behave = new BehaviourBox (entity, this, pl);
  else if (!strcmp (name, "badone_behave"))
    behave = new BehaviourBadOne (entity, this, pl);

  if (behave)
    entity->SetBehaviour (behave);
    // There is now a reference in the entity. We destroy
    // our own reference here.
    behave->DecRef ();
  return behave;

In SendMessage() of BehaviourCommon we use the FetchStringID() function to `intern' the message string to an ID. In the actual implementations of SendMessage() in the various behaviours we can then use integer comparisons instead of string compares.


BehaviourCommon::BehaviourCommon (iCelEntity* entity, BehaviourLayer* bl, iCelPlLayer* pl)
  BehaviourCommon::entity = entity;
  BehaviourCommon::bl = bl;
  BehaviourCommon::pl = pl;

BehaviourCommon::~BehaviourCommon ()

bool BehaviourCommon::SendMessage (const char* msg_id,
	iCelPropertyClass* pc,
  	celData& ret, iCelParameterBlock* params, ...)
  va_list arg;
  va_start (arg, params);
  bool rc = SendMessageV (msg_id, pc, ret, params, arg);
  va_end (arg);
  return rc;

bool BehaviourCommon::SendMessageV (const char* msg_id,
	iCelPropertyClass* pc,
  	celData& ret, iCelParameterBlock* params, va_list arg)
  csStringID id = pl->FetchStringID (msg_id);
  return SendMessage (id, pc, ret, params, arg);

bool BehaviourCommon::SendMessage (csStringID,
  	celData&, iCelParameterBlock*, va_list)
  return false;

The level behaviour does not do anything in this tutorial.

bool BehaviourLevel::SendMessage (csStringID msg_id,
	iCelPropertyClass* pc,
  	celData& ret, iCelParameterBlock* params, va_list arg)
  return BehaviourCommon::SendMessage (msg_id, pc, ret, params, arg);

The player behaviour is responsible for managing input (from `pccommandinput') and moving the actor in response to that input (with `pcactormove'). First we request ID's from the physical layer for the messages from the input property class that we want to respond too. For every command we defined in a Bind() in the CreatePlayer() function we get both a `1' (when key is pressed) and a `0' message (when key is released).

We also respond to messages from the inventory system so that we can print out a message when an object is added or removed from the player inventory. The ShowInventory() function will show the inventory on standard output and the Drop() function will drop one item from the inventory.

In SendMessage() we test which message we got. If it is one of the input messages we call the appropriate API method in `pcactormove' to move, rotate, or jump the player. If it is one of the inventory messages then we show the inventory contents.

BehaviourPlayer::BehaviourPlayer (iCelEntity* entity, BehaviourLayer* bl, iCelPlLayer* pl)
  : BehaviourCommon (entity, bl, pl)
  id_pccommandinput_forward1 = pl->FetchStringID ("pccommandinput_forward1");
  id_pccommandinput_forward0 = pl->FetchStringID ("pccommandinput_forward0");
  id_pccommandinput_backward1 = pl->FetchStringID ("pccommandinput_backward1");
  id_pccommandinput_backward0 = pl->FetchStringID ("pccommandinput_backward0");
  id_pccommandinput_rotateleft1 = pl->FetchStringID ("pccommandinput_rotateleft1");
  id_pccommandinput_rotateleft0 = pl->FetchStringID ("pccommandinput_rotateleft0");
  id_pccommandinput_rotateright1 = pl->FetchStringID ("pccommandinput_rotateright1");
  id_pccommandinput_rotateright0 = pl->FetchStringID ("pccommandinput_rotateright0");
  id_pccommandinput_cammode1 = pl->FetchStringID ("pccommandinput_cammode1");
  id_pccommandinput_drop1 = pl->FetchStringID ("pccommandinput_drop1");

  id_pcinventory_addchild = pl->FetchStringID ("pcinventory_addchild");
  id_pcinventory_removechild = pl->FetchStringID ("pcinventory_removechild");

void BehaviourPlayer::GetActorMove ()
  if (!pcactormove)
    pcactormove = CEL_QUERY_PROPCLASS_ENT (entity, iPcActorMove);

void BehaviourPlayer::GetInventory ()
  if (!pcinventory)
    pcinventory = CEL_QUERY_PROPCLASS_ENT (entity, iPcInventory);

void BehaviourPlayer::GetMesh ()
  if (!pcmesh)
    pcmesh = CEL_QUERY_PROPCLASS_ENT (entity, iPcMesh);

void BehaviourPlayer::ShowInventory ()
  size_t count = pcinventory->GetEntityCount ();
  size_t i;
  for (i = 0 ; i < count ; i++)
    iCelEntity* child = pcinventory->GetEntity (i);
    printf ("  child %d is '%s'\n", i, child->GetName ());

void BehaviourPlayer::Drop ()
  GetInventory ();
  size_t count = pcinventory->GetEntityCount ();
  if (count <= 0)
    printf ("Inventory is empty!\n");
  iCelEntity* child = pcinventory->GetEntity (0);
  pcinventory->RemoveEntity (child);
  csRef<iPcLinearMovement> pclinmove = CEL_QUERY_PROPCLASS_ENT (
  	child, iPcLinearMovement);
  if (pclinmove)
    GetMesh ();
    // Now we get current position and orientation from player
    // mesh and from that we calculate a spot in front of the
    // player where we will drop down the item.
    csVector3 pos = pcmesh->GetMesh ()->GetMovable ()->GetTransform ()
    	.This2Other (csVector3 (0, 2, -2));
    iSector* sector = pcmesh->GetMesh ()->GetMovable ()->GetSectors ()->Get (0);
    pclinmove->SetPosition (pos, 0, sector);
    pclinmove->SetVelocity (csVector3 (0, .1f, 0));
    csRef<iPcMesh> pcmesh_child = CEL_QUERY_PROPCLASS_ENT (child, iPcMesh);
    if (pcmesh_child) pcmesh_child->Show ();

bool BehaviourPlayer::SendMessage (csStringID msg_id,
	iCelPropertyClass* pc,
  	celData& ret, iCelParameterBlock* params, va_list arg)
  GetActorMove ();

  if (msg_id == id_pccommandinput_forward1)
    pcactormove->Forward (true);
  else if (msg_id == id_pccommandinput_forward0)
    pcactormove->Forward (false);
  else if (msg_id == id_pccommandinput_backward1)
    pcactormove->Backward (true);
  else if (msg_id == id_pccommandinput_backward0)
    pcactormove->Backward (false);
  else if (msg_id == id_pccommandinput_rotateleft1)
    pcactormove->RotateLeft (true);
  else if (msg_id == id_pccommandinput_rotateleft0)
    pcactormove->RotateLeft (false);
  else if (msg_id == id_pccommandinput_rotateright1)
    pcactormove->RotateRight (true);
  else if (msg_id == id_pccommandinput_rotateright0)
    pcactormove->RotateRight (false);
  else if (msg_id == id_pccommandinput_cammode1)
    pcactormove->ToggleCameraMode ();
  else if (msg_id == id_pccommandinput_drop1)
    Drop ();
  else if (msg_id == id_pcinventory_addchild)
    GetInventory ();
    printf ("Got a new object! Objects in inventory:\n");
    ShowInventory ();
  else if (msg_id == id_pcinventory_removechild)
    GetInventory ();
    printf ("Object removed from inventory! Objects in inventory:\n");
    ShowInventory ();
    return BehaviourCommon::SendMessage (msg_id, pc, ret, params, arg);;

  return true;

The box behaviour supports picking up and putting itself in the player inventory. To do that entities that use this behaviour need to use the `pcmeshselect' property class so that they get a message whenever the entity is selected. In this behaviour we wait for that message and when we get it we will add ourselves to the inventory of the player.

BehaviourBox::BehaviourBox (iCelEntity* entity, BehaviourLayer* bl, iCelPlLayer* pl)
  : BehaviourCommon (entity, bl, pl)
  id_pcmeshsel_down = pl->FetchStringID ("pcmeshsel_down");
  GetPlayer ();

void BehaviourBox::PickUp ()
  if (!player) return;
  csRef<iPcInventory> pcinv = CEL_QUERY_PROPCLASS_ENT (player, iPcInventory);
  if (pcinv)
    pcinv->AddEntity (entity);
    csRef<iPcMesh> pcmesh = CEL_QUERY_PROPCLASS_ENT (entity, iPcMesh);
    if (pcmesh) pcmesh->Hide ();

void BehaviourBox::GetPlayer ()
  if (!pcmeshsel || !player)
    pcmeshsel = CEL_QUERY_PROPCLASS_ENT (entity, iPcMeshSelect);
    player = pl->FindEntity ("player");
    if (!player) return;
    csRef<iPcCamera> pccamera = CEL_QUERY_PROPCLASS_ENT (player, iPcCamera);
    if (pccamera)
      pcmeshsel->SetCamera (pccamera);

bool BehaviourBox::SendMessage (csStringID msg_id,
	iCelPropertyClass* pc,
  	celData& ret, iCelParameterBlock* params, va_list arg)
  if (msg_id == id_pcmeshsel_down)
    PickUp ();
    return true;

  return BehaviourCommon::SendMessage (msg_id, pc, ret, params, arg);

This behaviour represents an entity that moves around on a path. We use catmull rom splines to calculate a smooth path. The csPath class from Crystal Space helps with this. In the ReadPath() function we read the path from properties that are assigned to the entity (using the general `pcproperties' property class).

Entities that use this behaviour also need to have a `pctimer' property class. This is used to be able to restart the movement path after a certain time has expired.

BehaviourBadOne::BehaviourBadOne (iCelEntity* entity, BehaviourLayer* bl, iCelPlLayer* pl)
  : BehaviourCommon (entity, bl, pl)
  id_pctimer_wakeup = pl->FetchStringID ("pctimer_wakeup");
  id_par_elapsedticks = pl->FetchStringID ("cel.parameter.elapsedticks");

  ReadPath ();

static bool GetPropVector (iPcProperties* pcprop, const char* prefix, int i, csVector3& v)
  csString propname = prefix;
  propname += i;
  size_t idx = pcprop->GetPropertyIndex (propname);
  if (idx == csArrayItemNotFound) return false;
  if (!pcprop->GetPropertyVector (idx, v)) return false;
  return true;

static bool GetPropLong (iPcProperties* pcprop, const char* prefix, int i, long& l)
  csString propname = prefix;
  propname += i;
  size_t idx = pcprop->GetPropertyIndex (propname);
  if (idx == csArrayItemNotFound) return false;
  l = pcprop->GetPropertyLong (idx);
  return true;

void BehaviourBadOne::ReadPath ()
  csRef<iPcProperties> pcprop = CEL_QUERY_PROPCLASS_ENT (entity, iPcProperties);

  // Count the number of points we have.
  int count = 0;
  for (;;)
    csVector3 v;
    if (!GetPropVector (pcprop, "pos", count+1, v)) break;

  path.AttachNew (new csPath(count));

  int i = 0;
  long totaltime = 0;
  for (i = 0 ; i < count ; i++)
    csVector3 pos, forward, up;
    GetPropVector (pcprop, "pos", i+1, pos);
    if (!GetPropVector (pcprop, "forward", i+1, forward)) forward.Set (1, 0, 0);
    if (!GetPropVector (pcprop, "up", i+1, up)) up.Set (0, 1, 0);
    long time;
    if (!GetPropLong (pcprop, "time", i+1, time)) time = 1000;
    path->SetPositionVector (i, pos);
    path->SetUpVector (i, up);
    path->SetForwardVector (i, forward);
    path->SetTime (i, float (totaltime) / 1000.0);
    totaltime += time;

  csRef<iPcLinearMovement> pclinmove = CEL_QUERY_PROPCLASS_ENT (
  	entity, iPcLinearMovement);
  if (pclinmove)
    for (i = 0 ; i < count ; i++)
      pclinmove->SetPathAction (i, "default");

void BehaviourBadOne::Restart ()
  csRef<iPcLinearMovement> pclinmove = CEL_QUERY_PROPCLASS_ENT (
  	entity, iPcLinearMovement);
  if (pclinmove)
    pclinmove->SetPath (path);
    pclinmove->SetPathTime (0);

bool BehaviourBadOne::SendMessage (csStringID msg_id,
	iCelPropertyClass* pc,
  	celData& ret, iCelParameterBlock* params, va_list arg)
  if (msg_id == id_pctimer_wakeup)
    Restart ();
    return true;

  return BehaviourCommon::SendMessage (msg_id, pc, ret, params, arg);

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