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4.3.1 Quest Manager

The quest property classes uses the quest manager in the background so this section will also explain the quest manager.

Property Class Details

General Information

The quest manager is one of the most important modules in Crystal Entity Layer. A quest is basically a story in a game. With story defined in the very broad sense of the word. A quest can be as simple as a quest to turn on a light in a room if the player clicks on a button to complex quests that keep track of NPC conversation and complex interaction with items. A quest is a state machine. At every given time it is at some specific state and can change state in response to some event. There are quest factories (iQuestFactory) and quests (iQuest). A factory acts like a template from wich to create quests. In every quest there are basically five different concepts: states, triggers, rewards, responses, and sequences.


Triggers cause progression in a quest. Whenever a trigger fires the quest will act and execute some rewards (see below). Currently the following triggers are defined in Crystal Entity Layer:

It is of course possible to define your own triggers and register them to the quest manager.


Whenever a trigger fires one or more rewards are executed. A reward is basically some specific operation that needs to be done in response to a trigger. Currently the following rewards are defined in Crystal Entity Layer:

It is also possible to define your own rewards.


A response is simply one trigger and one or more rewards together. In one state you can define multiple responses. Every response will define a different set of rewards.


A quest is made out of different states. Every state has zero or more responses.


A reward is always a one-shot operation. It occurs and besides the effect that it has it immediatelly stops. Sequences, on the other hand, have a duration and represent operations that typically take a few frames to execute. For example, to open a door in response to a trigger one would use a sequence to transform the door for a few frames. Sequences can be fired by a reward. The following operations are currently defined in a sequence:

You can define your own sequence operations for the quest manager.

Defining a quest in XML

Here we show how you could define a quest in XML. We use the `cel.addons.questdef' addon (see section Quest Definition Addon) so that we can embed the quest definition in a regular world file:

<addon plugin="cel.addons.questdef">
  <quest name="SlideDoor">
    <state name="locked">
      <trigger type="trigger">
        <fireon entity="$this" />
        <reward type="debugprint" message="Door is closed!" />
      <trigger type="inventory">
        <fireon entity="camera" child_entity="$key_ent" />
        <reward type="debugprint" message="The door is unlocked!" />
        <reward type="changeproperty" entity="$key_ent" pc="pcbillboard"
          property="cel.property.visible" bool="true" />
        <reward type="newstate" state="closed" />
    <state name="closed">
      <trigger type="trigger">
        <fireon entity="$this" />
        <reward type="debugprint" message="Door Opens!" />
        <reward type="sequencefinish" entity="$this" sequence="closedoor" />
        <reward type="sequence" entity="$this" sequence="opendoor" />
        <reward type="newstate" state="opened" />
    <state name="opened">
      <trigger type="trigger">
        <fireon entity="$this" leave="true" />
        <reward type="debugprint" message="Door Closes!" />
        <reward type="sequencefinish" entity="$this" sequence="opendoor" />
        <reward type="sequence" entity="$this" sequence="closedoor" />
        <reward type="newstate" state="closed" />
    <sequence name="opendoor">
      <op type="transform" duration="500" entity="$this">
        <v x="$openx" y="$openy" z="$openz" />
    <sequence name="closedoor">
      <op type="transform" duration="500" entity="$this">
        <v x="$closex" y="$closey" z="$closez" />

This quest has three states: `locked', `closed', and `opened'. When using this quest you can start it in any of those three states depending on how you want the door to be when the game starts. To go from `locked' to `closed' you need an object. The name of that object is given to the `key_ent' quest parameter (which is given on quest instantiation). In the `closed' state we also look at the trigger to see if we're approaching the door. In that case we print out a message to the user to indicate that the door is still closed.

If the door is in `closed' state then we simply wait until the player approaches and then we fire the `opendoor' sequence to open the door and go to the `opened' state. Similarly for the `opened' state where we wait until the player moves away from the trigger.

To define an entity that uses this quest we use the `cel.addons.celentity' addon (see section CelEntity Addon) like this:

<addon plugin="cel.addons.celentity" entityname="SlidingDoor">
  <propclass name="pcmesh">
    <action name="SetMesh">
      <par name="name" string="SlidingDoor" />
  <propclass name="pctrigger">
    <property name="monitor" string="camera" />
    <action name="SetupTriggerSphere">
      <par name="sector" string="Corridors" />
      <par name="position" vector="-118,-8,78.7" />
      <par name="radius" float="4" />
  <propclass name="pcquest">
    <action name="NewQuest">
      <par name="name" string="SlideDoor" />
      <par name="openx" string="-3.5" />
      <par name="openy" string="0" />
      <par name="openz" string="0" />
      <par name="closex" string="3.5" />
      <par name="closey" string="0" />
      <par name="closez" string="0" />
    <property name="state" string="closed" />

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