
Public API Reference

cstypes.h File Reference

Commonly used types and macros. More...

#include "csplatform.h"
#include <float.h>
#include <stddef.h>

Go to the source code of this file.

Other types

#define _WINT_T
#define CS_WCHAR_T_SIZE   2
typedef unsigned int csTicks
 A time value measured in milliseconds (1/1000 of a second).
typedef int64 intmax_t
 Greatest-width integer.
typedef int intptr_t
 Integer at least as wide as a pointer.
typedef long long longlong
 Type to pass to cs_snprintf() as an argument to the "%lld" format specifier.
typedef int ptrdiff_t
 Difference of 2 pointers.
typedef unsigned int uint
 Shortcut for default unsigned int.
typedef uint64 uintmax_t
 Greatest-width unsigned integer.
typedef unsigned int uintptr_t
 Unsigned integer at least as wide as a pointer.
typedef unsigned long long ulonglong
 Type to pass to cs_snprintf() as an argument to the "%llu" format specifier.
typedef uint16 wchar_t
typedef wchar_t wint_t

Specific sized types

These types should be used ONLY when you need a variable of an explicit number of bits. For all other cases, you should use normal char, short, int, long, etc., types since they are treated as "natural" types and will generally have better performance characteristics than the explicitly-sized types. Use the explicitly-sized types sparingly.

#define CONST_INT64(x)   INT64_C(x)
 Specify a 64 bit integer constant.
#define CONST_UINT64(x)   UINT64_C(x)
 Specify 64 bit unsigned integer constant.
typedef short int16
 signed 16-bit integer (-32 768..32 767)
typedef int int32
 signed 32-bit integer (-2 147 483 648..2 147 483 647)
typedef long long int64
 signed 64-bit integer
typedef char int8
 signed 8-bit integer (-128..127)
typedef unsigned short uint16
 unsigned 16-bit integer (0..65 535)
typedef unsigned int uint32
 unsigned 32-bit integer (0..4 294 967 295)
typedef unsigned long long uint64
 unsigned 64-bit integer
typedef unsigned char uint8
 unsigned 8-bit integer (0..255)

Detailed Description

Commonly used types and macros.

Definition in file cstypes.h.

Generated for Crystal Space by doxygen 1.4.7