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1.12 Crystal Space Contributors

This is a list of people who have contributed to Crystal Space in one way or another. Some of these people are no longer active with Crystal Space and may not be reachable. This list is sorted alphabetically by first name.

The following people have also contributed to the project either by providing minor patches or by their suggestions and ideas:

Adam Bailey
Alistair Leslie ([email protected])
Artur Biesiadowski ([email protected])
Branimir Karadzic
Charles Duffy ([email protected])
David Fox
Denis Oliver Kropp ([email protected])
Donald Ryan Willhoit ([email protected])
Duane McDonnel
E. Allen Soard ([email protected])
Ed Halley
Frederick A. Niles
Furqan Ullah ([email protected])
Garrett ([email protected])
Gregory Austwick ([email protected])
Harald Fielker ([email protected])
Jan Dvorak ([email protected])
Jaroslav Benkovsky ([email protected])
Jason McKnight
Jason Platt
Jonathon Doran ([email protected])
Malcolm Peacock ([email protected])
Matt Keith ([email protected])
Michael Knorr ([email protected])
Michael Robellard ([email protected])
Paul Snively ([email protected])
Paulo Candido
Ryan J. Evans
Sebestyen Zoltan ([email protected])
Simon B. ([email protected])
Terrence Stewart
Thiago Ramon
Thomthee Besset ([email protected])
Travis McLane ([email protected])
Walt Armour ([email protected])
Wormz Studios ([email protected])

Many thanks also for the people at GrimmWare for being the first to offer web space for Crystal Space.

Many thanks to Alessandro Russo for convincing his system manager to create a mailing list for Crystal Space. Thanks to Marco d'Itri (the system manager) for creating this list. Also thanks to those people for creating an FTP mirror of the original Crystal Space site.

Many thanks to Ted Nguyen for donating a couple copies of Microsoft Visual C++ 6 to the project.

If we have forgotten anyone or missed a contribution, we sincerely apologize. Please feel free to notify us of errors or omissions.

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