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1.7 Mailing Lists

There are several mailing lists for Crystal Space which may be of interest to users and developers.

The discussion list used for general and in-depth discussion of Crystal Space and related projects.

Mailing List: [email protected].

To subscribe to this list visit the mailing list administration page and follow the instructions there. This page also contains instructions for unsubscribing.


The list for developers and others interested in discussion about actual implementation and design.

Mailing List: [email protected].

To subscribe to this list visit the mailing list administration page and follow the instructions there. This page also contains instructions for unsubscribing.


The announcement list is for people interested in being notified of important announcements which affect the Crystal Space community, such as new releases, new important features, and the like.

Mailing List: [email protected].

To subscribe to this list visit the mailing list administration page and follow the instructions there. This page also contains instructions for unsubscribing.


People who are interested in being notified of changes which are made to Crystal Space's SVN repository can subscribe to the `crystal-cvs' mailing list. A notification message is sent to members of this list each time a change is made to the resources within the SVN repository. This is an excellent resource for keeping up-to-date with regards to changes to the project. Please consider subscribing.

Mailing List: [email protected].

To subscribe to this list visit the mailing list administration page and follow the instructions there. This page also contains instructions for unsubscribing.


There is a mailing list which keeps track of documentation annotations. This mailing list receives automated messages every time someone adds a comment to one of the pages of the online documentation.

Mailing List: [email protected].

To subscribe to this list visit the mailing list administration page and follow the instructions there. This page also contains instructions for unsubscribing.


The tracker mailing list receives notifications each time a change is made to the Crystal Space bug tracker "Trac", and to the older SourceForge tracker databases, such as "Bugs", "Feature Requests", etc., which are now deprecated.

Mailing List: [email protected].

To subscribe to this list visit the mailing list administration page and follow the instructions there. This page also contains instructions for unsubscribing.


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