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C.1.3 Input Helper Changes

Input Definitions

The file `csutil/inpnames.h' has been renamed to `inputdef.h', and the following functions have been removed:

These functions allowed you to convert a string such as Ctrl+A, `JoystickX' or `Alt+Mouse1' into values describing input events and vice versa.

The way to do this is now, however, is to use `csInputDefinition', which resides in `csutil/inputdef.h'. The preferred way to convert a string to a definition is to construct a `csInputDefinition' from a `char const*'; and the preferred way to convert a definition back to a string (perhaps constructed some other way) is via csInputDefinition::ToString().

There are also static helper methods in `csInputDefinition' which accept arguments in a similar way to the old functions. These are convenience methods which perform the work of instantiating the object for you:

Mouse Corrections

Mouse buttons and axes used to be enumerated basis 1 (first mouse button was 1, Y axis was 2, etc). In keeping with good C/C++/Java/etc coding style, they are now basis-0 (first mouse button is 0, Y axis is 1, etc).

Joystick Corrections

The implementation of `iJoystickDriver' has been fixed to treat joystick numbers consistently. Previously, on account of buggy implementation, some parts of the driver considered joystick numbers 0-based, while other parts considered them 1-based. It now uniformly treats joystick numbers as 0-based. This is consistent with button numbers for joysticks and mice, which are also basis-0.

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