Best is to leave the original kernel untouched, thus copy the new kernel to / and append some string to it like, .test.
% sudo cp ~/src/xnu/BUILD/obj/RELEASE_$ARCH/mach_kernel /mach_kernel.test
Make sure, that the new kernel has the proper permissions set:
-rw-r--r-- 1 root wheel 3733508 Jan 29 18:51 mach_kernel.test
The mach.sym file will automatically be generated during system startup.
OpenFirmware (on PPC-architecture) needs to be made aware of the new kernel, you can do this with nvram:
% sudo nvram boot-file="hd:9,\mach_kernel.test"
The path to the root device can be looked up with:
% sudo nvram boot-device
On the I386-architecture the kernel to boot, is looked up in the file /Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration/ Change the corresponding value for the "Kernel" key to reference the new kernel:
Alternatively the kernel name can be provided on the command line of the I386 bootloader.