Questions you should ask first

What license is used for Darwin documentation?

HowTo documents included in the Darwin project are covered by the Common Documentation License (CDL), which you can review here:

HeaderDoc and man pages are considered to be a part of the software, covered by the Apple Public Source License (APSL) or other applicable software license(s).

Who can submit documentation?

You! Who better? If you know about a subject that seems to be sorely lacking in documentation, then go ahead and write up a HowTo and send it to or to . If you can only cover part of a subject, do that part and send it in. Someone else is much more likely to help finish it if it's been started.

What if I don't know how to author an XML document?

Keep reading! This document provides everything you need to know to get started. If after reading the XML instructions you still find yourself having trouble, just let us know.

What if I don't want to learn XML?

We're much more concerned with getting the information out to people than with what format you provide it in. So if you'd prefer not to venture into XML, provide it in whatever way works best for you and we'll get around to putting it into XML for you.

Everything eventually has to end up as XML to support automated processing of the document into multiple formats.

Who can make changes to existing documents?

Although the documentation is maintained as Open Source, we assume that the original author is interested in providing the primary maintenance for the document, and in guiding the nature of any changes and bug fixes. Therefore suggestions, changes, and bug fixes should be sent to the original author so they can decide how best to integrate them.

If there is no response, or the author is no longer interested in maintaining the document, or there's no obvious author, then send your comments to or to and they will get handled.

Where is the documentation mailing list?

A Documentation-specific mailing list is now available. Please join the mailing list, in addition to any general purpose Darwin lists that interest you. To join, see