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Debian Documentation Policy (DRAFT)
Chapter 6 - Manpages

FIXME: Explain why manpages are part of the DDP

FIXME: Describe the use of the DDP CVS for manpages and their translations.

FIXME: Is there a way to detect manpages changes such as there is for the wml web pages?

FIXME: Are we going to provide a framework for translating and updating non-Debian manpages?

FIXME: Are we going to provide localized manpages together with programs or in a single package (i.e. manpages-es is useful?). How is coordination going to be done with other projects?

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Debian Documentation Policy (DRAFT)

CVS, Fri, 10 Aug 2007 19:31:26 +0200

Debian Documentation Project [email protected]
Authors, Section A.1