Debian Documentation Policy (DRAFT) ----------------------------------- Debian Documentation Project Section A.1, `Authors' CVS, Fri, 10 Aug 2007 19:31:26 +0200 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Abstract -------- This is the sub-policy document (DRAFT) for the Debian Documentation Project. Copyright Notice ---------------- Copyright (C) 2002 by Software in the Public Interest. This document may used under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 or higher. ( Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of this document provided the copyright notice and this permission notice are preserved on all copies. Permission is granted to copy and distribute modified versions of this document under the conditions for verbatim copying, provided that the entire resulting derived work is distributed under the terms of a permission notice identical to this one. Permission is granted to copy and distribute translations of this document into another language, under the above conditions for modified versions, except that this permission notice may be included in translations approved by the Free Software Foundation instead of in the original English. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Contents -------- 1. Preface 1.1. Scope 1.2. New versions of this document 1.3. How to provide feedback to this policy 2. Common policy for documentation 2.1. Responsible party 2.2. Licensing documents 3. Debian Manuals 3.1. Source file format 3.2. How to start a manual 3.3. How are documents published? 3.4. Published file formats 3.5. File names and their locations 3.5.1. Upstream SGML source 3.5.2. Debian packages 3.5.3. Files installed by the Debian package (Option1) 3.5.4. Files installed by the Debian package (Option2) 3.5.5. Files on WWW server (DDP, CVS generated) 3.5.6. Files on WWW server (stable version) 3.5.7. Files on FTP server 3.6. Files on CD-ROM ISO images 3.7. Best practices 3.7.1. index.html 3.7.2. Debian web page entry style 3.7.3. LaTeX/TeX 3.8. TODO 4. Articles 4.1. Content organization 5. Presentations 6. Manpages 7. Feedback system 7.1. Bug report protocols for the DDP 7.2. Bug report protocols for the WNNP (proposal) A. Appendix A.1. Authors ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Preface ---------- This document is still under development and many chapters are to be written (TBW). Sections which need work, either to write them down or get to consensus by all documentation members are marked with _FIXME_. 1.1. Scope ---------- The Debian Documentation Project (it is usually called DDP for short) was formed to coordinate and unify all efforts that relate to documentation in the Debian project. This includes the documentation associated with the Debian GNU/Linux (or other) distributions, as well as documentation related to the internals of the project. This manual describes the established policy on how documents are to be hadled within the Debian project (_documents_ in a broad scope, it's not just manuals). This includes how to contribute documents, how to package them for inclusion in Debian distributions and how they are published either at the Debian web site, ftp site (or associated mirrors) and even CD images of Debian distributions. Even if packages are involved (since it's the mechanism for distributing any piece of data in a Debian distribution) it is not a tutorial on how to build packages and it will not go into lengths describing how the packaging system works. The DDP covers a broad range of documentation that is related to the Debian project. Some of the documentation might be handled by people who are not directly in the DDP, but who maintain a set of documentation. To make it short the DDP might be considered a reduced version of the famous phrase cutting it into: _all your documents are belong to us_. That is, any and all document that is either prepared or supported by the Debian project (included in the distribution, published in the web site) is managed through the DDP. This includes: * _Manuals_. Which are long documents used as reference for a given task. Some of these documents are prepared by groups that develop the piece of Debian they relate to (for example, the Installation Manual is managed by the boot-floppies team). * _Manpages_. The unix man(1) pages that are part of the Debian distribution, including those related to software (or general system information) particular to a Debian GNU/Linux system. * _Articles_. The DDP is also the maintainer and placeholder of articles written by members of the Debian project, these articles are usually short documents (and limited in scope) and might get out-of-date easier. * _Slides_. Such as those used in presentations given by Debian developers. The DDP keeps these presentations since they are usually useful to many more developers than those that originally wrote them. _FIXME:_ even if the web team works aside of the DDP team (there are some people in both teams), there are some documents that originate from the web server and are published there first. Maybe it should be necessary to add a chapter regarding the web team and their tools? Of course, Debian _feeds_ itself of many documentation that is beyond the scope of the Debian project itself. An example of this might be UNIX manpages for common (GNU) programs, info manuals, external documentation (such as the Linux Documentation Project's HOWTOs) and many other documentation that is typically included in a Debian distribution. Even if it would be good to provide a common framework for all of these, many of them are already part of other projects that provide their own setups for producing documentation (including publishing formats, translations, etc.). As such, the DDP tries to lay a common framework on how this information should be installed, and, if needed, provides resources to cooperate with these external projects. 1.2. New versions of this document ---------------------------------- The current version of this document is available from the DDP as The current source version of this document is available from the DDP CVS server: $ $ export CVSROOT $ cvs co ddp/manuals.sgml/ddp-policy In addition, this manual is distributed via the Debian package `ddp-policy'. _FIXME_ The package has not been yet created and included with the distribution. 1.3. How to provide feedback to this policy ------------------------------------------- As the Debian project is continuously evolving so this manual does too. While the authors of this document have tried hard to avoid typos and other errors, these do still occur. If you discover an error in this manual or if you want to give any comments, suggestions, or criticisms please send an email to the Debian Documentation Project List, , or submit a bug report against the `ddp-policy' package. _FIXME_Until the package for `ddp-policy' is created, please send an email to ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. Common policy for documentation ---------------------------------- 2.1. Responsible party ---------------------- Documents must be maintained by at least one _Author_. If the author is unavailable and nobody steps up to keep maintaining its manuals they might be considered _Orphaned_ and treated as such (could be removed from publishing if its contents get too much out-of-date). Also, optionally there might be many _Translators_. Interested translators are encouraged to contact first the author of a document and then, if it exists, the localization team for the language the translator wants to translate too. This helps authors keep track of who is translating the document (in case somebody else volunteers) and also prevents for duplicate effort (maybe somebody in the localization team is currently translating it and has not contacted the main author). 2.2. Licensing documents ------------------------ All documention of the Debian Documentation Project (DDP) must be released under a free license (free to use, modify and distribute). [1] for the Debian project to use. This is true not only for documentation provided by the DDP authors themselves but for documentation provided in the Debian operating system by packages (including FAQs, manpages, help pages, etc.). The _recommended_ license for any (new) document in Debian is the GNU General Public License [2] This is a copyleft license for documentation. More often than not, documentation is directly dependant to software used by Debian and thus has to be modified under the same conditions. This applies to technical documentation that is related to software. It might not fully apply to other kind of documents, but since documentation licenses are at still at their infancy (most are under heavy discussion) the GPL is preferred since documentation which uses it is clearly _free_ in the DFSG sense. Authors might wish to add the optional addition of explanatory text (text which is not part of the license) explaining that the author believes the preferred form for making modifications (i.e., source) to be an electronic version in the original format. This helps disambiguate the license while at the same time preserving it and making the document copyleft. Note however that some other documentation licenses are acceptable too. The following licenses have been deemed as acceptable for documentation in Debian: * The MIT license ( Which is a non-copyleft license. * The FreeBSD Documentation License ( is acceptable. Just make sure that you adapt it to your document by changing the project name and the source format. * The Linux Documentation Project (LDP) Linux Documentation Project License v2.0 ( is acceptable (as discussed in the debian-legal mailing list (, notice that this is not the same as the boilerplate license suggested in the TLDP manifesto ( which is, on it's own, non-free because it requires new versions to be sent to the TLDP. * Sun's documentation license ( (used by OpenOffice) is also acceptable (as discussed in the debian-legal mailing list ( There is not yet a full consensus for the following licenses and document authors are recommended not to use them: The GNU Free Documentation License (GFDL) (, as long as there are no unmodifiable sections. As voted by Debian Developers in a General Resolution ( Note, however, that in a survey ( done in the debian-legal mailing list most respondents (Debian Developers and non-Debian Developers) answered that this license cannot be considered DFSG-free. Even if some people consider it acceptable provided that there are no Cover Texts or Invariant sections (the optional features ( documents under this license might not be considered by many Debian developers completely _free_. [3] This is just a summary of some of the problems, you might want to consider reading Draft Debian position statement about the GFDL ( The following licenses are _not_ recommended since the current consensus is that they are not DFSG-free: * The Creative Commons Licenses (, version 2.0 or 2.5 [4] . For more information see the debian-legal summary ( * The Open Publication License (OPL) ( even if none of the license options [5] are exercised. For more information see It has been discussed many times (such as in november 2001 ( or october 2000 ( ) wether or not Debian should have guidelines for material which is _not_ software. Debian currently does not have such guidelines and thus discussion of licensing as related to non-software content should be taken to the debian-legal mailing list, except for documentation specific licenses which should be discussed at debian-doc first (before going to debian-legal). Some other relevant discussions might be (links updated as of december 2002, sorted in chronological order): * license requirements for a book to be in free section ( * teTex Documentation Licenses ( * I want doc-rfc in Woody! (license issues) ( (related to Bug #92810 ( * Preprints/Reprints of Academic Papers in Packages ( * Free documentation using non-free preprocessor ( [1] Note that there is currently disagreement regarding wether or not documentation can be asked to be _free in the DFSG sense_. Arguably, the DFSG does not really apply to documentation since they are free _software_ guidelines. Some other people think there is not really any distinction between documentation and software. The debate on this have not finished yet but it may be worthwhile reading the thread at debian-legal Proposed: Debian's Five Freedoms for Free Works ( [2] For more information refer to this thread on the debian-doc mailing list ( [3] This has been an issue discussed many times on the debian-legal and debian-doc mailing list. Relevant discussions (sorted chronologically, updated as of september 2003) include: * * urvey Is the GNU FDL a DFSG-free license? ( * hread A possible approach in solving the FDL problem ( * hread GFDL - status? ( * hread The debate on Invariant sections (long) ( * Freeness and Cover Texts ( * hread various opinions on Debian vs the GFDL ( * nts on GFDL, may be useful for statement ( * roposed statement with respect to GNU FDL ( * hread Suggestion to maintainers of GFDL docs ( * as published GNU FDL version 1.2 ( * DL 1.2 draft comment summary posted, and RFD ( * d the GFDL bee under /usr/share/common-licenses? ( * NU FDL is a free license! ( * .2 draft comment summary ( * ems in GNU FDL 1.2 Draft ( * nts on GNU FDL 1.2 Draft ( * ary] Interpretive Guideline regarding DFSG clause 3 ( * Draft: Interpretive Guideline regarding DFSG clause 3 ( * sed: interpretive guidelines regarding DFSG 3, modifiability, and invariant text ( [4] There is a workgroup to try to make the license version 3.0 compatible with the DFSG, as reported in debian-legal ( [5] Some people think that some sections, such as IV.2, IV.4 and IV.5 might be too restrictive, and IV.3 might be more specific than needed. However, this license was discussed in the debian-legal mailing list in october 2001 (, january 2000 (, and november 1999 ( (old draft discussion). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. Debian Manuals ----------------- The DDP considers a _Debian Manual_ to be any piece of documentation created to address the needs of users of Debian system or developers in the Debian project. _FIXME:_The documentation which comes with application software packages and installed in such places as `/usr/share/doc/*.txt.gz' or `/usr/share/doc//html/*' are not the focus of this chapter at this moment. Debian Manuals are moving targets in the sense that they should be constantly be updated to include relevant information related to the object that is being documented. Some of the manuals the DDP currently holds are: * Users' manuals * Debian GNU/Linux FAQ * Debian Installation Manual (*) * Debian Release Notes (*) * Debian Reference * APT HOWTO * dselect Documentation for Beginners (*) * User's Guide * Debian Guide (****) * The Debian Linux User's Guide (****) * Euro support in Debian GNU/Linux * Debian GNU/Linux and Java FAQ * Securing Debian Manual * The Linux Cookbook (****) * Developers' manuals * Debian Policy Manual (**) * Debian Developer's Reference * Debian New Maintainers' Guide * dpkg Internals Manual (***) * Debian Menu System (**) * Introduction to i18n * Miscellaneous manuals * Debian Project History * Linux Magazines (***) * Debiandoc-SGML Markup Manual (***) * Debian SGML/XML HOWTO Here, some documents are not directly under DDP: * (*) are provided by the boot-floppies team. * (**) are provided by the Debian Policy List . * (***) are provided by the corresponding package. * (****) are online versions of printed books, provided by their authors and the packagers. Manuals are usually of interest to a wide variety of people across all countries and as such should be translated. This helps avoid problems with language barriers and manages to make Debian more useful to people all over the world. The DDP provides resources for Debian manual writers, translators and reviewers. These resources help co-operation between all the different people responsible to making a document available to those that wish to read it. Thus, the framework provides: * A common area for holding the sources of documentation. * An automatic method for publishing documentation in the web server (and mirrors) in different formats. * An automatic method for publishing documentation in the FTP server (and mirrors) _[under development]_. * An automatic method for creating packages for the documentation _[under development]_. * An automatic method to keep track of changes between revisions and help translators update the translated sources _[under development]_. * A way to track requests and bug reports through the use of the Bug Tracking System (sending bugs to the associated packages). The placeholder for the DDP manuals section in the CVS server is the `manuals.sgml' directory. Documents under that directory must follow the following policies 3.1. Source file format ----------------------- SGML is used as the source format for all manuals. Both SGML format compatible with the `debiandoc-sgml' [1] tool chain (DTD version 1 or later) and Docbook [2] (SGML or XML, the 4.1.2 version or later). For the time being the default article style [3] might need to be used. Note: To translate from debiandoc-sgml format to docbook-xml please obtain and install latest tool from DDP CVS by: $ cd $HOME $ echo 'export PATH="~/Debiandoc-to-docbook:${PATH}"'>> ~/.bash_profile $ . ~/.bash_profile $ export $ cvs login $ cvs co -d Debiandoc-to-docbook utils/debiandoc-to-docbook $ cd Debiandoc-to-docbook $ cd /some/debiandoc/sgml/source-directory/ # use of mc is easy way :) This script translates from _debiandoc-sgml_ to _docbook-xml_ with an XSLT stylesheet. Please read `README' and `dd3xml.html' in this archive for the details. When to you use which format? Docbook needs not be the chosen always as the only documentation format. _Debiandoc-sgml_ is preferred for most manuals since: * it's simpler (46 elements versus 300+) and thus easier to use. * output is (currently) better for some purposes, it is also more consistent (due to simplicity of the DTD). * it's a tool that has been used for all previous Debian) manuals. However, the _debiandoc-sgml_ DTD does have some drawbacks including: * it is not possible to include images (see Bug #140684 ( or tables (see Bug #141727 ( * it is not internationalized completely (see Bug #31266 ( * there are some layout issues when generating some formats. So, stick with _debiandoc-sgml_ unless you need tables, figures, optional framed output and such. The other options for the source file format were: LaTeX, HTML, texinfo, groff and several other minor formats. Even if some of these were used at some point by DDP documents their use is not supported. _All_ DDP manuals must be provided either in _debiandoc-sgml_ or _docbook_ (sgml or xml) format (this rule does not necessarily apply to other documentation that is handled by the DDP) _FIXME:_ Add links to relevant discussion on the mailing list, such as: * # DocBook vs. DebianDoc by John R. Daily ( * # debiandoc vs. docbook by Susan Kleinmann ( _FIXME:_ Discuss translation of documents and reference PO translation of debiandoc documents ( and i18n and documentation ( (discuss needs of reviewers and translators). [1] The reasons for using of _debiandoc-sgml_ is, among others, historical. When the DDP started producing documentation for Debian there was no SGML DTD that fit the needs of the documentation team. `Linuxdoc-sgml', the DTD used by the Linux Documentation Project at the time, lacked some features, and the documentation team decided to create it's own DTD. [2] This has also been chosen by The Linux Documentation Project ( as its main format as described in the LDP Author Guide ( [3] Note that there currently is no stylesheet made by the DDP to build documents in the right way (tm). Volunteers for this task should contact the debian-doc mailing list ( 3.2. How to start a manual -------------------------- If you think a manual is missing in the Debian Documentation Project and want to contribute writing it first (or have it already written) please follow this procedure: * read this policy first (you are obviously in the right track, aren't you?) * contact the DDP (through the mailing list ( and post there the document you want to start working on. * before creating a new manual, consider if your new documentation can be integrated into a previous manual (as a new chapter, for example). Also consider taking up the maintainership of an orphaned manual if it's similar to the one you want to work in. * ask for CVS access ( to the DDP area [1] * (once the document compiles properly) ask for it to be published under the web server documentation ( * (once you want to make public the document) ask the web team to provide a link to the document from the DDP pages ( * create new packages (preferably using `cvs-buildpackage') and submit it to the debian upload queue. * ask for translations at the internationalization mailing list ( (and keep track of those that volunteered as translators) * attend to bugs either sent directly to your mail address (if published in the document's author field), through the BTS (if packages are available) or through the appropriate mailing lists (you should subscribe to the DDP mailing list (,. [1] If you are a Debian developer you will access it through the _:ext:ssh_ method, otherwise a _pserver_ account will be created for you 3.3. How are documents published? --------------------------------- Documents under the `manuals.sgml' are compiled and published through a chain of `Makefile's. The Makefile under the root dir includes a definition of which subdirectories will be handled in the chain. This makes the Makefile go through each of the subdirs and compile the documents. All documents must hold a `Makefile' in the main directory. Contents of this Makefile _must_ be derived from the ones included in the `Makefile.common', this file includes common definitions (such as _publish_) which will be used when compiling and common variables (such as the place where to install the compiled documentation) that should not be modified. Following make target are used: * all: build all formats within the source directory * publish: publish all web contents to the PUBLISHDIR * publish-ftp: publish all FTP contents to the PUBLISHDIR (proposed) * clean: clean files which all target created * distclean: clean files which all, publish, and publish-ftp target created Following make variables are used: * PUBLISHDIR: root of the directory where files are installed. The value provided by the higher level Makefile shall override one defined in the Makefile. 3.4. Published file formats --------------------------- In order to provide readers for different methods to access documentation, we strive to publish contents in all the following formats: * HTML. This format is required and necessary for publishing documents in different media. This format allows users to browse the web server's documentation, the CD documentation, etc. using any web browser of their choice. For long documents it is preferred to divide into multiple files (this is done automatically by _debiandoc-sgml_) in order to browse more easily through different chapters (allows for faster downloads). * Plain text. This format is also required since it's the most portable across any environment. It is also best used for using simple (a.k.a _grep_) and complex (documentation databases) methods to find information on documentation. Manuals provided in plain text must be compiled into a single file. * Postscript (PS). This is an optional format, it allows _pretty printing_ of documents in Postcript-enabled printers and is sometimes better for reading under some environments. Postcript is sometimes associated with Unix-like environments (but there are also Postcript tools for others). It has been currently displaced, however, by the PDF format. Documents in Postcript format are provided in a single file. * Adobe's PDF format. This is also an optional format, however, the PDF format has received widespread use in unix and non-unix environments. Documents in PDF format are used to print the document or to read the document on-screen, since it's usually possible to provide better formatting within this environment. It's also a single file format. 3.5. File names and their locations ----------------------------------- In the following section, the choice of the file names and their locations are explained. Here following conventions are used: * `' is the generic name of the manual without language specification (it is most likely the source package name). * `' is the language specification and uses the same convention as the apache auto-language selection (`en, fr, it, de, pt-br, ...'). * `' is the locale specification and uses the same convention as the `glibc'. _FIXME:_I can not find short version of locale "en" or "fr" anyway: `en, fr, it, de, pt_BR, ...' or should be like full description such as en_US.UTF8. 3.5.1. Upstream SGML source --------------------------- DDP run CVS server and keep upstream SGML source (or its copy). Repository: ddp/manuals.sgml// After obtaining concensus in one can start new directory as follows: $ cd $ $ export CVSROOT $ cvs co ddp/manuals.sgml/ $ cd ddp/manuals.sgml/ $ mkdir $ cvs add $ cvs ci ... 3.5.2. Debian packages ---------------------- _FIXME:_ write about why you need to make Debian packages. And also how to make them easily. Source packages ------------------------ The Source package contains the SGML source only * Option 1: * __all.tar.gz * __all.dsc * Option 2 * __all.tar.gz * __all.diff.gz * __all.dsc The latter format is preferred even if you are the upstream maintainer. If the source consists of multiple files, you are encouraged to keep them in one specific subdirectory per language. _FIXME_: Adam believes that it could be possible to distribute the SGML source _only_ and creating the formats the user wants to have at runtime (could be installation time as well as afterwards). This has several advantages: * the .debs would be small * greatest flexibility * it could be possible even adjust links when compiling the docs, i.e. replacing Internet links to local ones if the files are present !!! * it's probably easier to keep an overall index page up-to-date (a la dwww) Some disadvantages are: * people need to have debiandoc-sgml installed (but that's not big) * formatting will take a few seconds (not too much but simply unpackaging would be faster) This has also been discussed recently (see Binary package: ------------------------ The Binary package provides the documents in each of the proposed formats for offline reading. Binary packages should include all the formats for which the document compiles. As for translations, they should be provided as separate packages if the binary (with all the available translations) exceeds five megabytes in size (see below for the appropriate naming for these binary packages). Depending on wether or not translations are provided in different binary packages the package naming will be: * A single __all.deb package which holds the english original (and all the translations if any). * If there are multiple binary packages: * One -__all.deb for every translation available (including english) * A virtual package __all.deb that depends on all of the available translated (and original) versions. _FIXME:_ this is debatable. Currently many package name __all.deb just install the English original. Some people feel that the use of the name for the English package, -en__all.deb should be discouraged. 3.5.3. Files installed by the Debian package (Option1) ------------------------------------------------------ In order to make DDP documents easy to find, use of `/usr/share/doc/Debian/' has been adopted as the central location. Currently this file location is under discussion. * Index page (optional, auto generated): * `/usr/share/doc/Debian//index.html' or * `/usr/share/doc/Debian//index..html' * HTML: * `/usr/share/doc/Debian//..html' * `/usr/share/doc/Debian//..html' * ... (all other chapters of the document in html forms.) * plain text: * `/usr/share/doc/Debian//..txt.gz' Compressed file to comply with the policy * Postscript (PS): * `/usr/share/doc/Debian//' Compressed file to comply with the policy * PDF: * `/usr/share/doc/Debian//..pdf.gz' Compressed file to comply with the policy 3.5.4. Files installed by the Debian package (Option2) ------------------------------------------------------ In order to make DDP documents easy to find, use of `/usr/share/doc/Debian/' has been adopted as the central location. Currently this file location is under discussion. * Index page (optional, auto generated): ???? === XXX FIXME XXX === * `/usr/share/doc/Debian//index.html' or * `/usr/share/doc/Debian//index..html' * HTML: * `/usr/share/doc/Debian///html/.html' * `/usr/share/doc/Debian///html/.html' * ... (all other chapters of the document in html forms.) * `/usr/share/doc/-/html' should point to `/usr/share/doc/Debian///html/' (as a symlink). This is because we need to have (per policy) the `-' directory if we are going to make packages per language. (_FIXME:_ Policy 13.4-5 does not say this so explicitly. Osamu) * plain text: * `/usr/share/doc/Debian///.txt.gz' Compressed file to comply with the policy * Any policy required symlink ??? === XXX FIXME XXX === * Postscript (PS): * `/usr/share/doc/Debian///.ps.gz' Compressed file to comply with the policy * Any policy required symlink ??? === XXX FIXME XXX === * PDF: * `/usr/share/doc/Debian///.pdf.gz' Compressed file to comply with the policy * Any policy required symlink ??? === XXX FIXME XXX === Note: having `/usr/share/doc/-/' also helps if we want to help people use locale-purge for documentation too. (javi) If so, we need symlink in `/usr/share/doc/Debian/' while `/usr/share/doc/-/' should contain real files. (osamu) 3.5.5. Files on WWW server (DDP, CVS generated) ----------------------------------------------- These are created with `publish' target. `PUBLISHDIR' is used to locate directory to install documentation where `' is pointing. * Index page (optional, auto generated): * `' or * `' * HTML: * `' * `' * ... (all other chapters of the document in html forms.) * plain text: * `' Not-compressed file for better browser interaction * Postscript (PS): * `' Not-compressed file for better browser interaction * PDF: * `' Not-compressed file for better browser interaction 3.5.6. Files on WWW server (stable version) ------------------------------------------- Stable version of documents are installed from released package to DDP web page with a script un-compressing files. _FIXME:_ How is this install automated? Explain the process. We might need ftp-masters to allow access without an upload. * Index page (optional, auto generated): * `' or * `' * HTML: * `' * `' * ... (all other chapters of the document in html forms.) * plain text: * `' Not-compressed file for better browser interaction * Postscript (PS): * `' Not-compressed file for better browser interaction * PDF: * `' Not-compressed file for better browser interaction 3.5.7. Files on FTP server -------------------------- DDP documents need to be published in Debian's ftp servers (and mirrors) in order to provide another mean for retrieval to users. The placeholder for this documentation is _FIXME:_ Determine how this is going to be automated (contact ftp-masters). The `/doc' should be handled exclusively by the DDP team. _FIXME:_ this is an idea (Osamu). Permissions, etc. need to be fixed too. FTP files are created with `publish-ftp' target in top most `Makefile' which uses `publish' target in the subdirectories to create file in FTP area by using proper `PUBLISHDIR'. * Index page (optional, auto generated): ???? === XXX FIXME XXX === * `' or * `' * HTML: * `' * `' * ... (all other chapters of the document in html forms.) * plain text: * `' Compressed file to comply with the policy * Postscript (PS): * `' Compressed file to comply with the policy * PDF: * `' Compressed file to comply with the policy 3.6. Files on CD-ROM ISO images ------------------------------- _FIXME:_ This needs to be more homogeneous. The current `debian-cd' program is used to build the ISO images for official Debian CD-ROMs. This program extracts documentation to be placed in the CD-ROMs so that users can access this documentation without needing to install Debian at all (even if later on they could install the same documentation just by installing the appropriate packages). Not all DDP documents are placed on the CD-ROMs since once of the issues on these ISO images is how to distribute the available size so that all the necessary software is available in the first CD-ROMs (so that users do not need to download all the CD-ROMs in order to have a functioning Debian installation). Thus, only important documentation (usually oriented towards users) is placed there. This usually includes documents such as: The Debian FAQ, The Installation Manual, etc. _FIXME:_ Check if this is true. Also for text, directory are better to use full locale such as en_US.UTF-8/ which is not the case in Debian. `Debian-cd' takes the available documentation from different sources: the primary FTP server and some documentation packages installed in the system where the script is run. Note: Providing a sensible location of documentation in the packages as well as translations makes it possible to have `debian-cd' make localized CD-ROMs that not only include the installation in a given language but provide the documentation in that language too! 3.7. Best practices ------------------- This section describes few recommended practices but these are not an enforced part of the DDP policy. 3.7.1. index.html ----------------- Currently, many generated HTML files still create index.html or index..html as the starting page but these are discouraged practices since they hide other files. (_FIXME:_ This is debatable. It is implemented for the Debian Reference but makefile is a mess.) 3.7.2. Debian web page entry style ---------------------------------- `user-manuals.wml' entry shall be: "> For packages which has released version, use "released" instead of "inddpcvs" to create the web page. 3.7.3. LaTeX/TeX ---------------- In order to reliably produce PS and PDF files, it is recommended to include a `texmf/texmf.cnf' file which _only_ lists those key parameters (i.e., things like pool_size) which you need to have them large enough for the proper building environment. Then Makefile has to use it through the environment variable: TEXMFCNF=texmf: export TEXMFCNF Here, the trailing colon is critical. This will ensure rest of parameters to be taken from the system's current default value and avoids TeX version dependencies for the SGML source as well prevents FTBFS bug problems. If you are running specifically LaTeX, then you may want to have: pool_size.latex = to specify that you want it to apply to LaTeX; otherwise a specific one in the `/etc/texmf/texmf.cnf' file might override yours. Alternatively, you can also specify pool_size etc. as environment variables, which will override the texmf.cnf settings. 3.8. TODO --------- * sample Makefile for publishing * test if docbook can be compiled in debian's www machine * sample Makefile for publishing using docbook-xml * Add a reference regarding registration of online documentation Other useful references are (googling :):, ex.doc-base (, (summary outside of Debian), (regarding translation of doc-base files) and /usr/share/doc/doc-base/doc-base.html/index.html (not published as a separate manual) * Extract useful information regarding documentation i18n from ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. Articles ----------- Articles are included in the Debian Documentation Project mainly as a way to keep for short documents related to Debian and written by developers (or other people that want to contribute it to the Debian Documentation Project). Articles are not in-depth documents (manuals are). However, it is not uncommon for Debian developers to write articles for magazine (online or paper-based) or to analyze a given aspect in Debian (usually for conferences). Articles can, unlike manuals, get out of date and not be updated. That is not an issue since the knowledge they hold might be useful even if in such state. The intention include them in the DDP and make them available through CVS is so that it is possible to publish them on the WWW (like other DDP documentation) and to provide a repository of knowledge for later use. After all, articles, even if outdated, can be used to write new articles or might reflect an important epoch of the Debian project. 4.1. Content organization ------------------------- Articles are located in the DDP CVS under the `articles/' directory. Each article is in its own sub-directory which _must_ contain a README file with the following information in its header: title: Article title author: Author's name published: Where has it been published (if anywhere) date: publishing date update: date it has been last updated (usually it's the same as date:) The documentation format in articles is, unlike that of `manuals.sgml', not standardized. Debiandoc-sgml is still preferred, but, due to its limitation (described previously) sometimes authors might prefer other formats (such as Docbook-xml or LaTeX). These can be used for articles. However note that if the author uses a format which cannot be easily compiled on the documentation server for publishing, the DDP might not dedicate effort to have the documents published. Formats that can be readily compiled from source format into the publishing formats of manuals (HTML, text, PDF and PS) have more chances of being integrated in the publishing tool chain. For this reason, articles, when possible, should be translated from their documentation format to the preferred format of the DDP (currently debiandoc-sgml). Some articles might be found, however in linuxdoc-sgml. These articles need to be translated to debiandoc-sgml _before_ publishing is made. This is because there are no fundamental differences between both formats to justify using linuxdoc-sgml. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Presentations ---------------- _FIXME:_ More content needed here. Why slides? What use? _FIXME:_ Proposed a layout on presentations based on topics. Describe preferred formats for presentations (Magic Point? LaTeX with Prosper?) _FIXME:_ Encourage Debian developers to submit presentations for inclusion in the DDP _FIXME:_ Define layout of the `slides' area (TBD). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6. Manpages ----------- _FIXME:_ Explain why manpages are part of the DDP _FIXME:_ Describe the use of the DDP CVS for manpages and their translations. _FIXME:_ Is there a way to detect manpages changes such as there is for the wml web pages? _FIXME:_ Are we going to provide a framework for translating and updating non-Debian manpages? _FIXME:_ Are we going to provide localized manpages together with programs or in a single package (i.e. manpages-es is useful?). How is coordination going to be done with other projects? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7. Feedback system ------------------ 7.1. Bug report protocols for the DDP ------------------------------------- Bug reports should be filed to the Debian Documentation Project List, if the particular document is not packaged as a Debian package. If a BTS entry for the package exists, you are highly encouraged to file a bug to the package. It is recommended to send translation-related bugs against the particular - package instead of the source package itself. Please avoid sending bug reports (or requests) to the document maintainers directly. Maintainers are already subscribed to the BTS and sending them the bugs directly only increases that chances that the mail might get lost (forgotten, deleted accidentally) if the maintainer is managing a big mailbox [1] Also, your requests and suggestions might be lost if the document switches maintainers (due to inactivity, lack of time or any other reason). Also, please do not send bugs regarding documentation to the debian-doc mailing list unless you want to discuss some issue before submitting a bug report. After all, the Bug Tracking system is better suited to track bugs (it was designed for that). You can, using the BTS, receive a report when the bug is fixed and a new document version is released. Documentation maintainers and active authors _should be_ subscribed to the Bug Tracking System for the source packages that generate the documentation (if they are not packaging the documents themselves). Translators _must_ be subscribed to the BTS for the translated package versions. You can use the PTS ( to subscribe to debian packages when you are not the maintainer. The bug report should follow standard Debian bug style (see the BTS documentation ( In order to clarify the types of report, use of following words at the start of the subject line is encouraged. * policy: policy compliance issues * errata: errata information on document content * patch: errata or additional information with patch * request: request for additional information or clarification * ... Any bug report which falls into "request" must be filed with "priority: wishlist". Bug reporters are encouraged to provide the diff file to the source files such as SGML or XML but the diff file to the generated plain text file is accepted by the document maintainers as an alternative. This means that users do not have to learn SGML to submit changes to our documents. When creating diff files, please use "-u" option. [2] If you are not sure on how to make diff files, please submit bugs indicating clearly the location of the errata (usually citing text in the document). Otherwise it's more difficult for documentation maintainers to determine what exactly needs to be fixed. [1] Which will unfortunately include usually also a lot of spam due to his name being published in many places and making it a target for mail harvesters :-( [2] This makes it easier for the maintainer to apply the patch in case the document has changes a lot since the reader read it and reported the bug with a patch. Many documents are _moving targets_ and might change quite a lot from one reader to another 7.2. Bug report protocols for the WNNP (proposal) ------------------------------------------------- _FIXME:_ This is a proposal to use the WNPP also for documentation You can make use of the WNPP ( to ask for documentation on a specific topic that you think it's needed. Document maintainers can also use the WNPP to submit information on documentation under development or that it's going to be orphaned. The following tags of the WNPP are appropriate for this task: * _O_: as the package equivalent, this means that the author intents to orphan a given set of documentation. * _ITA_: as the package equivalent, this means that the author intents to adopt a given set of documentation. * _RFD_ (Request for Documentation): a user that detects that a given document (manual or other) on a given topic is not yet available on the DDP can ask for it using this tag. DDP members will give priority when deciding which documents need to be written to requests on a given document by a number of users. * _ITD_ (Intend to Document): a documentation maintainer that is going to start writting a document. The use of the WNPP for avoids people duplicating effort writing the same documentation. * _ITT_ (Intend to Translate): a translator is going to start translating a document. As above, this tries to prevent duplicate efforts. Usually a RFP changes into a ITD when someone starts working on the document. When closed it means that the document has been created and is available in the DDP. It will keep this way until it's orphaned (O) and a new maintainer (ITA) appears again. The same would happen for translations of the document into any given language. Thus, a normal document would follow the documentation process shown below: RFD---->ITD----->(document maintained/updated)------->O | ^ | | | | | (first commit)----ITA<------- | ---> ITT ---> (translation update) ---->O ^ | | | (first commit)----ITA<------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A. Appendix ----------- A.1. Authors ------------ * Osamu Aoki * Javier Fernández-Sanguino Peña ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Debian Documentation Policy (DRAFT) Debian Documentation Project Section A.1, `Authors' CVS, Fri, 10 Aug 2007 19:31:26 +0200