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Debian GNU/Linux Java FAQ.
Chapter 2 - Introduction to Java

2.1 What is Java?

Java is a strongly-typed platform-independent object-oriented programming language often associated with the World Wide Web. Java was developed by Sun Microsystems for embedded applications, but has since grown to become a general-purpose programming language. Java source code can either be compiled to a machine-independent byte-code that can be run by Java virtual machines, or it can be compiled directly to executable code for any number of platforms, including Linux, Win32, and others.

A common API, shipped with all Java development environments, provides socket support, a graphical user interface widget set, graphical drawing tools, standard IO, events, math, database interfaces, and multithreading, to name a few.

The multithreading support can happen either in kernel threads or userland threads, depending on the implementation of the Java virtual machine used.

Of course, Java is also the name of a popular island of Indonesia: check out the facts at the GNU Java pages

2.2 Why would I be interested in Java?

Java is widely used in large and small scale distributed, server, and client applications. It's fun to use. The javadoc tool creates documentation from comments in the code, so if you comment your code you get the docs for free.

2.3 What is a JIT?

JIT is an acronym for Just In Time. It refers to a VM plugin to speed up VM execution by compiling bytecode to native machine code.

2.4 Where can I read more about Java?

Of course, http://java.sun.com would be the first place to read information on Java, right from the company who started it (i.e. Sun). However good places for Java and Linux could be:

Other sites regarding Java would be:

If you are browsing the web for free Java information you can of course use Google. If you are looking for applets with source code look at http://javaboutique.internet.com/javasource.html. Check also What free platforms are there and how can I contribute?, Section 6.2 for pointers to the free Java platforms available, which might or might not be listed in GNU's webpages devoted to Java.

2.5 Where can I ask questions about Java on Debian?

The appropriate place to ask such questions is debian-java at lists.debian.org. You can subscribe at the Mailing List Subscription page.

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Debian GNU/Linux Java FAQ.

$Revision: 1.57 $ 4 November 2007Sunday, 4th November

Javier Fernández-Sanguino Peña [email protected]