You may be a little confused about exactly what GNU/Linux is. What's the Linux kernel, vs. the GNU utilities, vs. the X Window System? Here's a little ASCII art diagram to show you how it all relates (apologies, it's not very attractive).
Window Manager ----- Gnome Programs/Libraries (in development) | | ----------/ \ | | / ---------\ | X Clients Programs/Applications ---- Shared Libraries | | \ | / \ | ---------------\ | /----------- X Server -------------- Linux Kernel | / | | /--------------- | Video Card -------- Other Computer Hardware (Memory, disk, etc.)
Note that the X Server and X Clients are applications, but they are applications which interact in special ways with the video hardware and other applications.
The window manager is a special X Client, and thus also an application. All the X programs use the Shared Libraries, but no line appears in the diagram.
When the Gnome (GNU Network Object Model Environment) project is completed, it will help to unify the X environment with a special set of programs and libraries, interacting with the window manager and other X Clients.
The GNU utilities are small programs that do simple tasks: mv, cp, tar for example.
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