color kb qwerty/us disks partition 6GB Linux N P 6063 B T 83 B hdc1 128MB Swap N P 125 T 82 hdc2 W Q swap /dev/hdc2 scan linux /dev/hdc1 scan root mount /dev/hdc1 kernel from /dev/fd0 Rescue Disk Drivers Disk devices misc psaux net ppp network host = debian connected = no base from /dev/fd0 Base Disks 1-7 config timezone Australia ACT GMT no (skip the "Make Linux boot directly from hard disk") Make boot floppy Custom Boot Reboot
With the initial boot the extra internal bay hard disk drive had to be mentioned to the kernel with the following command line when the boot prompt is displayed (you have about 10 seconds to begin typing):
boot: linux hdc=13424,15,63(the numbers were eventually figured out one time when the drive was eventually auto-detected after a kernel upgrade).