Currently it is not possible to use a free Java Virtual Machine as a Mozilla plugin because most of the free JVMs do not yet support the Java AWT (Java GUIs). So the non-free alternatives from Sun, IBM, or Blackdown are required. This is unfortunate as it means that your system becomes dependent on software that you are unable to validate and view yourself, relying on very few others to provide trustworthy code.
Nonetheless, to get the Java plugin running with an installation of j2sdk1.4.2_03 (from Sun and installed as described in Section 46.1) for Mozilla 1.5, link the appropriate library to the mozilla plugin directory:
# cd /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins # ln -s /usr/local/bin/j2sdk1.4.2_03/jre/plugin/i386/ns610-gcc32/libjavaplugin_oji.soThen run Mozilla and visit about:plugins to ensure the plug in is found.