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Compile your own Kernel
Upgrade to Kernel 2.4.24
Compile your own Kernel
Here I describe how you can compile your own 2.6.6 Kernel.
- First make sure that you have the following packages installed on your system:
- kernel-headers-2.6.6-1
- kernel-patch-debian-2.6.6
- kernel-source-2.6.6
- kernel-tree
- kernel-kbuild
- kernel-package
- libcurses-dev
- hostap-source
- ipw2100-source
- module-assistant
- For the bootsplash
and support for the trackpoint's Z-axxis
you have to download and apply two patches.
- First go to /usr/src and unpack the kernel, ipw2100 and hostap sources:
>tar xjf kernel-source-2.6.6.tar.bz2
>tar xzf ipw2100-source.tar.gz
>tar xzf hostap-source.tar.gz
- Copy my kernel config file to /usr/src/kernel-source-2.6.6/.config
- Now go to /usr/src/kernel-source-2.6.6/ and apply the patches:
>patch -p1 < /path/to/bootsplash-kernel-patch1.diff
>patch -p1 < /path/to/psmouse-kernel-patch1.diff
- Then Run:
>make menuconfig
In this menu you can select the modules you want to include to
your kernel. To set the right hibernation partition go to
>power management options (ACPI, APM) and set here the 'default resume partition' to your value (= your swap partition)
- To compile and install your own kernel run the following commands:
>make-kpkg clean
>make-kpkg -revision=Xdeb31.1 kernel_image
>make-kpkg modules_image
>../dpkg -i kernel-image-2.6.6_Xdeb31.1_i386.deb
>../dpkg -i hostap-modules-2.6.6_Xdeb31.1+0.1.3-2_i386.deb
>../dpkg -i ipw2100-modules-2.6.6_0.45-1+Xdeb31.1_i386.deb
Upgrade to Kernel 2.4.24
This section is outdated and shows the upgrade to recent 2.4 Kernels after
the installation of woody.
- In order to upgrade to kernel 2.4.24. you have to download and install the
following packages from the 'testing' distribution. As the Ethernet card is
not working without Kernel 2.4.24 you will have to download
the packages using Windows.
You can download the packages using the Debian Package Search.
- libdb1-compat
- libc6
- stat
- libattr1
- libacl1
- coreutils
- fileutils
- modutils
- cramfsprogs
- initrd-tools
- kernel-images-2.4.24
- kernel-pcmcia-modules-2.4.24
- pump
- To install these packages you have to change to the directory where the packages are and type:
>dpkg -i [packagename1] [packagename2] ....
This will install all packages at once so you dont have to care about dependencies.
Pump is not necessary for the kernel update but for the DHCP support (set up the network).
- Now you can boot the 2.4.24 Kernel.
- In order to increase system speed when booting (using lilo)
you have to add the line 'compact' to /etc/lilo.conf.
Don't forget to run lilo after you changed lilo.conf, otherwise your system
won't be able to boot!!
Here I describe how to use Ndiswrapper for wireless lan support.
Meanwhile I use the official Intel drivers, which seem to run much smoother. (installation skript)
- Download the Ndiswrapper installation files.
- Before
installing the drivers you have to put the WindowsXP driver files for
the wireless card 'w70n51.inf' and 'w70n51.sys' into /lib/windrivers
- Make sure that you have the 2.4.24 Kernel running without smp support. Ndiswrapper won't work with it!
- Go
to /usr/src and unpack the kernel sources (>tar xjf
kernel-source-2.4.24.tar.bz2). Then copy the header files into the
sources (>cp -a kernel-headers-2.4.24-1-686 kernel-source-2.4.24)
and create a link from the sources to linux (ln -s kernel-source-2.4.24
- Extract the ndiswrapper archive to /opt/ndiswrapper.
- Start the install.sh script (>/opt/ndiswrapper/install.sh)
- In
order to be able to use the network card you have to run >ifconfig
wlan0 up and then >pump -i wlan0 (pump will just work if your
network supports DHCP)
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