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Setup of Build in Hardware

Ethernet Adapter „Intel Ethernet PRO/100 VE”
Wireless Lan „Intel Pro Wireless LAN“
Audio Soundcard „SoundMAX“
Graphics and X „ATI Mobility Radeon, 16MB“
On Screen Display for Brightness and Volume
Z- Axis of the Trackpoint
Make use of special Keys
Modem „Agere Systems AC'97“
The CF-Card Reader
Standby and Hybernation: ACPI

!! This section is here just for reference (e.g. if you want to use a different Distribution). You don't have to follow any instructions here if you want to install Debian on your X31. Instead follow the instruction guide!!

Ethernet Adapter „Intel Ethernet PRO/100 VE“
Woody does not support the necessary kernel modules for the built in Ethernet card. So either upgrade your system to a recent 2.4 or 2.6 kernel or use the Xdeb31 Kernel (which I suggest).
  • Run (modprobe eepro100) to include the eepro100 module to the kernel
  • Connect the Laptop to a network and do >pump -i eth0

Wireless Lan „Intel Pro Wireless LAN 2100“
Here I describe how to install the iwp2100 kernel modules to make the wireless lan card work under 2.6 Kernels.
The Xdeb31 Kernel supports the wireless lan so you dont have to care about this section if you use it.
  • Download the ipw2100 firmware.
  • Unpack the firmware to /usr/lib/hotplug/firmware
  • Install the following packages using apt-get install [packagename]:
    -kernel-headers- -make
  • Go to /usr/src unpack the kernel sources, the iwp2100-source and the hostap sources:
    >tar xjf kernel-source-.tar.bz2
    >tar xzf ipw2100-source.tar.gz
    >tar xzf hostap-source.tar.gz
  • Go to your kernel source directory (cd /urs/src/kernel-sources-) and do:
    >make-kpkg modules_image
  • Now you can install and load the modules by running:
    >dpkg -i ../hostap-modules-
    >dpkg -i ../ipw2100-modules-
    >modrobe hostap
    >modprobe iwp2100
  • In order to be able to use the network card you have to run >ifconfig eth1 up and then >pump -i eth1 (pump will just work if your network supports DHCP)

Audio Soundcard „SoundMAX“ The Xdeb31 Kernel supports the audio card so you dont have to care about this section if you use it.
  • First you have to get the necessary packages from Debian. Most of the packages containing the word 'alsa'.
  • Now you can install the necessary kernel module calles '810_audio' under Kernel 2.4 and 'snd-intel8x0' under Kernel 2.6.
  • Run >alsaconf
  • Add your users to the audio group >adduser [username] audio.

Graphics and X „ATI Mobility Radeon, 16MB“
Support for external Screens (multiple screens) is working. Full 3D support is working. (GLtron and Tuxracer run with full hardware 3D support.)
  • Load the necessary kernel modules for the graphic card (agpart, radeon, radeonfb, intel_agp) (>modprobe intel_agp; modprobe agpart; modprobe radeon; modprobe radeonfb).
  • To support multiple screens using an second external display use the XF86Config file posted here.

On Screen Display for Brightness and Volume
  • First you install the ThinkPad Button software is 'tpb' (apt-get install tpb). More Information on TPB can be found here.
  • To make the on screen display for volume and brightness usable for all users (not just root) you have to set the Suid bit for tpb. Just run the following command as root >chmod +s /usr/bin/tpb
  • For you own settings for the AccessIBM button see /etc/tpbrc

Z-Axis of the Trackpoint
  • In the Xdeb31 Kernel I compiled a patch that enables support for the pointers X-axxis
  • Just make sure that you load the kernel module with the pts=1 parameter (>modprobe psmouse pts=1)

Make use of special Keys
  • Go to the Gnome 'desktop settings' and choose the 'keyboard' dialog. There choos as keyboard modell 'Microsoft Internet Keyboard'.
  • Now you are able to set actions for the browser forward backward keys in the Gnome keystrokes dialog (e.g. swapping workspaces).

Modem „Agere Systems AC'97“
For the X31 IBM used a software modem, also called winmodems. To make it a working linmodem some driver installation is necessary:
  • Install packages necessary for Modem support:
    >apt-get install sl-modem-daemon sl-modem-source
  • Load the Kernel module (>modprobe slamr)
  • Make sure the modem daemon is started (>slmodemd)
  • Configure your internet connection with your ISP's (Internet Service Provider) details. Run >pppconfig to do this.
  • To establish the internet connection run >pon ISP_name
    Disconnect with the command >poff

The CF-Card Reader
  • Make a /cfcard directory at /mnt/ (mkdir /mnt/cfcard)
  • Add the following line to /etc/fstab:
    /dev/hde1 /mnt/cf-card vfat noauto,user,uid=user,gid=user 0 0
    Make sure you change user in uid=user and gid=user to the user name who owns the external hard disk.
  • Now you can mount the disk typing >mount cfcard (for unmounting type umount cfcard)

Standby and Hybernation: ACPI
ACPI support will enable you to make use of power saving features like standby, hybernation and CPU frequency scaling. If you use the Xdeb31 kernel support for this is compiled into the kernel.
  • If you use the Xdeb31 Kernel all necessary modules are compiled into the kernel. If you use any other kernel you will have to load the following modules: swsusp, ac, battery, button, fan, processor, thermal
  • For hybernation it is necessary, that the kernel is compiled with the right path to your swap partition. The Xdeb31 kernel uses '/dev/hda8'. If you swap partition is somewhere else you will have to compile your own kernel.
  • To send your laptop into hibernation type 'echo -n disk > /sys/power/state/'. You can also use the hibernation skript from the files section.
  • If you send your computer in standby mode the backlight will stay on. To solve this problem you have to install radeontool to switch off the light manually. To do this process automatically use the standby skript from the files section.
  • To test if the CPU frequency scaling works run >cat /proc/cpufreq
  • You can use the Gnome CPU Frequency applet to change the speed of the CPU manually. (>apt-install gnome-cpufreq-applet)
  • For support of all Fn+Fx key Combinations get the ibm-acpi package (included in Kernels higher than 2.6.10) from http://ibm-acpi.sourceforge.net
  • The scripts that are run when pressing Fn+Fx key combinations can be found at /etc/acpi
    You might like to use my skripts for hibernating and switching on/off the wlan.

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