Writing custom django-admin commands

New in Django 1.0: Please, see the release notes

Applications can register their own actions with manage.py. For example, you might want to add a manage.py action for a Django app that you’re distributing.

To do this, just add a management/commands directory to your application. Each Python module in that directory will be auto-discovered and registered as a command that can be executed as an action when you run manage.py:


In this example, the explode command will be made available to any project that includes the blog application in settings.INSTALLED_APPS.

The explode.py module has only one requirement -- it must define a class called Command that extends django.core.management.base.BaseCommand.

For more details on how to define your own commands, look at the code for the existing django-admin.py commands, in /django/core/management/commands.