We’re always grateful for patches to Django’s code. Indeed, bug reports with associated patches will get fixed far more quickly than those without patches.
If you are fixing a really trivial issue, for example changing a word in the documentation, the preferred way to provide the patch is using GitHub pull requests without a Trac ticket. Trac tickets are still acceptable.
See the Working with Git and GitHub for more details on how to use pull requests.
In an open-source project with hundreds of contributors around the world, it’s important to manage communication efficiently so that work doesn’t get duplicated and contributors can be as effective as possible.
Hence, our policy is for contributors to “claim” tickets in order to let other developers know that a particular bug or feature is being worked on.
If you have identified a contribution you want to make and you’re capable of fixing it (as measured by your coding ability, knowledge of Django internals and time availability), claim it by following these steps:
The Django software foundation requests that anyone contributing more than a trivial patch to Django sign and submit a Contributor License Agreement, this ensures that the Django Software Foundation has clear license to all contributions allowing for a clear license for all users.
Once you’ve claimed a ticket, you have a responsibility to work on that ticket in a reasonably timely fashion. If you don’t have time to work on it, either unclaim it or don’t claim it in the first place!
If there’s no sign of progress on a particular claimed ticket for a week or two, another developer may ask you to relinquish the ticket claim so that it’s no longer monopolized and somebody else can claim it.
If you’ve claimed a ticket and it’s taking a long time (days or weeks) to code, keep everybody updated by posting comments on the ticket. If you don’t provide regular updates, and you don’t respond to a request for a progress report, your claim on the ticket may be revoked.
As always, more communication is better than less communication!
Of course, going through the steps of claiming tickets is overkill in some cases.
In the case of small changes, such as typos in the documentation or small bugs that will only take a few minutes to fix, you don’t need to jump through the hoops of claiming tickets. Just submit your patch and be done with it.
Of course, it is always acceptable, regardless whether someone has claimed it or not, to submit patches to a ticket if you happen to have a patch ready.
Make sure that any contribution you do fulfills at least the following requirements:
You can use either GitHub branches and pull requests or direct patches to publish your work. If you use the Git workflow, then you should announce your branch in the ticket by including a link to your branch. When you think your work is ready to be merged in create a pull request.
See the Working with Git and GitHub documentation for more details.
You can also use patches in Trac. When using this style, follow these guidelines.
Regardless of the way you submit your work, follow these steps.
A “non-trivial” patch is one that is more than a simple bug fix. It’s a patch that introduces Django functionality and makes some sort of design decision.
If you provide a non-trivial patch, include evidence that alternatives have been discussed on django-developers.
If you’re not sure whether your patch should be considered non-trivial, just ask.
There are a couple reasons that code in Django might be deprecated:
As the deprecation policy describes, the first release of Django that deprecates a feature (A.B) should raise a RemovedInDjangoXXWarning (where XX is the Django version where the feature will be removed) when the deprecated feature is invoked. Assuming we have good test coverage, these warnings are converted to errors when running the test suite with warnings enabled: python -Wall runtests.py. Thus, when adding a RemovedInDjangoXXWarning you need to eliminate or silence any warnings generated when running the tests.
The first step is to remove any use of the deprecated behavior by Django itself. Next you can silence warnings in tests that actually test the deprecated behavior by using the ignore_warnings decorator, either at the test or class level:
In a particular test:
from django.test import ignore_warnings
from django.utils.deprecation import RemovedInDjangoXXWarning
def test_foo(self):
For an entire test case:
from django.test import ignore_warnings
from django.utils.deprecation import RemovedInDjangoXXWarning
class MyDeprecatedTests(unittest.TestCase):
Previous versions of Django had some Ignore*DeprecationWarningsMixin classes to prevent warnings from appearing. These have been replaced by the ignore_warnings decorator.
You can also add a test for the deprecation warning. You’ll have to disable the “warning as error” behavior in your test by doing:
import warnings
def test_foo_deprecation_warning(self):
with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as warns:
warnings.simplefilter('always') # prevent warnings from appearing as errors
# invoke deprecated behavior
self.assertEqual(len(warns), 1)
msg = str(warns[0].message)
self.assertEqual(msg, 'Expected deprecation message')
Finally, there are a couple of updates to Django’s documentation to make:
Once you have completed these steps, you are finished with the deprecation. In each major release, all RemovedInDjangoXXWarnings matching the new version are removed.
Django’s admin system leverages the jQuery framework to increase the capabilities of the admin interface. In conjunction, there is an emphasis on admin JavaScript performance and minimizing overall admin media file size. Serving compressed or “minified” versions of JavaScript files is considered best practice in this regard.
To that end, patches for JavaScript files should include both the original code for future development (e.g. foo.js), and a compressed version for production use (e.g. foo.min.js). Any links to the file in the codebase should point to the compressed version.
To simplify the process of providing optimized JavaScript code, Django includes a handy Python script which should be used to create a “minified” version. To run it:
python django/contrib/admin/bin/compress.py
Behind the scenes, compress.py is a front-end for Google’s Closure Compiler which is written in Java. However, the Closure Compiler library is not bundled with Django directly, so those wishing to contribute complete JavaScript patches will need to download and install the library independently. The Closure Compiler library requires Java 7 or higher.
Please don’t forget to run compress.py and include the diff of the minified scripts when submitting patches for Django’s JavaScript.
Use this checklist to review a pull request. If you are reviewing a pull request that is not your own and it passes all the criteria below, please set the “Triage Stage” on the corresponding Trac ticket to “Ready for checkin”. If you’ve left comments for improvement on the pull request, please tick the appropriate flags on the Trac ticket based on the results of your review: “Patch needs improvement”, “Needs documentation”, and/or “Needs tests”. As time and interest permits, core developers do final reviews of “Ready for checkin” tickets and will either commit the patch or bump it back to “Accepted” if further works need to be done. If you’re looking to become a core developer, doing thorough reviews of patches is a great way to earn trust.
Looking for a patch to review? Check out the “Patches needing review” section of the Django Development Dashboard. Looking to get your patch reviewed? Ensure the Trac flags on the ticket are set so that the ticket appears in that queue.
See the Deprecating a feature guide.
Jul 20, 2015