When django.contrib.gis is in your INSTALLED_APPS, the inspectdb management command is overridden with one from GeoDjango. The overridden command is spatially-aware, and places geometry fields in the auto-generated model definition, where appropriate.
The ogrinspect management command will inspect the given OGR-compatible DataSource (e.g., a shapefile) and will output a GeoDjango model with the given model name. There’s a detailed example of using ogrinspect in the tutorial.
Use a comma separated list of OGR field names to add the blank=True keyword option to the field definition. Set with true to apply to all applicable fields.
Use a comma separated list of OGR float fields to generate DecimalField instead of the default FloatField. Set to true to apply to all OGR float fields.
Specifies the model attribute name to use for the geometry field. Defaults to 'geom'.
The key for specifying which layer in the OGR DataSource source to use. Defaults to 0 (the first layer). May be an integer or a string identifier for the Layer. When inspecting databases, layer is generally the table name you want to inspect.
Automatically generate a mapping dictionary for use with LayerMapping.
When generating the geometry field, treat it as a geometry collection. For example, if this setting is enabled then a MultiPolygonField will be placed in the generated model rather than PolygonField.
Generates a __str__ routine (__unicode__ on Python 2) on the model that will return the given field name.
Suppresses the from django.contrib.gis.db import models import statement.
Use a comma separated list of OGR field names to add the null=True keyword option to the field definition. Set with true to apply to all applicable fields.
The SRID to use for the geometry field. If not set, ogrinspect attempts to automatically determine of the SRID of the data source.
Jul 20, 2015