Historically, Django has shipped with django.contrib.localflavor – assorted pieces of code that are useful for particular countries or cultures. This code is now distributed separately from Django, for easier maintenance and to trim the size of Django’s codebase.
See the official documentation for more information:
Code is hosted on github at https://github.com/django/django-localflavor.
If you’ve used the old django.contrib.localflavor package or one of the temporary django-localflavor-* releases, follow these two easy steps to update your code:
Install the third-party django-localflavor package from PyPI.
Change your app’s import statements to reference the new package.
For example, change this:
from django.contrib.localflavor.fr.forms import FRPhoneNumberField
...to this:
from localflavor.fr.forms import FRPhoneNumberField
The code in the new package is the same (it was copied directly from Django), so you don’t have to worry about backwards compatibility in terms of functionality. Only the imports have changed.
In Django 1.5, importing from django.contrib.localflavor will result in a DeprecationWarning. This means your code will still work, but you should change it as soon as possible.
In Django 1.6, importing from django.contrib.localflavor will no longer work.
Jul 20, 2015