如何使用 WSGI 进行部署

Django 的主要部署平台是 WSGI,它是 Web 服务器和 Web 应用的 Python 标准。

Django 的管理命令 startproject 生成了一个简单的默认 WSGI 配置,你可以按照自己项目的需要去调整这个配置,任何兼容 WSGI 的应用服务器都可以直接使用。

Django 提供了下面这些 WSGI 服务的入门文档:

application 对象

The key concept of deploying with WSGI is the application callable which the application server uses to communicate with your code. It's commonly provided as an object named application in a Python module accessible to the server.

The startproject command creates a file <project_name>/wsgi.py that contains such an application callable.

It's used both by Django's development server and in production WSGI deployments.

WSGI servers obtain the path to the application callable from their configuration. Django's built-in server, namely the runserver command, reads it from the WSGI_APPLICATION setting. By default, it's set to <project_name>.wsgi.application, which points to the application callable in <project_name>/wsgi.py.

配置 settings 模块

When the WSGI server loads your application, Django needs to import the settings module — that's where your entire application is defined.

Django uses the DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE environment variable to locate the appropriate settings module. It must contain the dotted path to the settings module. You can use a different value for development and production; it all depends on how you organize your settings.

If this variable isn't set, the default wsgi.py sets it to mysite.settings, where mysite is the name of your project. That's how runserver discovers the default settings file by default.


Since environment variables are process-wide, this doesn't work when you run multiple Django sites in the same process. This happens with mod_wsgi.

To avoid this problem, use mod_wsgi's daemon mode with each site in its own daemon process, or override the value from the environment by enforcing os.environ["DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE"] = "mysite.settings" in your wsgi.py.

应用 WSGI 中间件

To apply WSGI middleware you can simply wrap the application object. For instance you could add these lines at the bottom of wsgi.py:

from helloworld.wsgi import HelloWorldApplication
application = HelloWorldApplication(application)

You could also replace the Django WSGI application with a custom WSGI application that later delegates to the Django WSGI application, if you want to combine a Django application with a WSGI application of another framework.