Django 2.1.1 release notes

August 31, 2018

Django 2.1.1 fixes several bugs in 2.1.


  • Fixed a race condition in QuerySet.update_or_create() that could result in data loss (#29499).
  • Fixed a regression where QueryDict.urlencode() crashed if the dictionary contains a non-string value (#29627).
  • Fixed a regression in Django 2.0 where using test --keepdb fails on PostgreSQL if the database exists and the user doesn't have permission to create databases (#29613).
  • Fixed a regression in Django 2.0 where combining Q objects with __in lookups and lists crashed (#29643).
  • Fixed translation failure of DurationField's "overflow" error message (#29623).
  • Fixed a regression where the admin change form crashed if the user doesn't have the 'add' permission to a model that uses TabularInline (#29637).
  • Fixed a regression where a related_query_name reverse accessor wasn't set up when a GenericRelation is declared on an abstract base model (#29653).
  • Fixed the test client's JSON serialization of a request data dictionary for structured content type suffixes (#29662).
  • Made the admin change view redirect to the changelist view after a POST if the user has the 'view' permission (#29663).
  • Fixed admin change view crash for view-only users if the form has an extra form field (#29682).
  • Fixed a regression in Django 2.0.5 where QuerySet.values() or values_list() after combining querysets with extra() with union(), difference(), or intersection() crashed due to mismatching columns (#29694).
  • Fixed crash if InlineModelAdmin.has_add_permission() doesn't accept the obj argument (#29723).