RefDB is an open source bibliographic reference database that works with DocBook. Here are some of its features:
It stores bibliographic information in an external SQL database.
It can import bibliographic information from a variety of sources, including DocBook biblioentry
elements, Medline (tagged and XML), BibTeX, and MARC.
It can retrieve and format the data in a variety of formats for citations.
It can assemble a bibliography that follows a consistent style.
The tool works particularly well with DocBook. You create citation
elements with role="REFDB"
and whose content is a key identifier of a bibliographic entry in the database. For example:
<para>This is a citation <citation role="REFDB">Nakane2002</citation>.</para>
Then you process your document with the RefDB tool, which collects the citations and builds a DocBook bibliography
element into a separate file that you can include through an entity reference or XInclude. The kit also includes DocBook XSL stylesheet customizations to handle formatting of the bibliographic elements in specific styles.
You can get more information about RefDB from
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